Chapter Eighty-Eight ♬ - Tired

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Why am I tired?
I don't want to sleep,
Nor do I want to do what I should.

Why is it this way?
I'm not sad, depressed.
I'm happy,
But what's come over me?

Am I bored?
Is my routine getting lame?

Uncertainty is what it's turned into.
I'm unsure why I'm now this way.
I've had giant breaks from my 'work,'
My workouts, my writing, my Minecrafting.

All I do now is YouTube.
YouTube and Skyrim.
Who has taken over me?
This isn't the me I know.

There's one way out.
I've got to wake up.
Wake up, regain myself.

When I wake up,
I'll be alive.
I'll be confident.
Most of all, I'll be me.

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