Chapter 14 "Unsuspected, I think..."

Start from the beginning

Hmm, I know what I'll do "ok fine" I said as he put me down and leaned forwards for a kiss. And I did just that, except for the fact that I kissed his cheek and ran towards the kitchen instead.

"Hey no fair!" he yelled after me "you said a kiss, not where you would get a kiss. Either way, you'll get more things later" I replied and winked at him as I pulled the cake mix from the cupboard.


"So Alex, you never got a chance to explain your big surprise to us!" my dad said very enthusiastically. "right! I almost forgot to tell you guys!" He was talking about my surprise about what happened in brazil during Sam and I's honeymoon while "having a super famous actress/model approach me in brazil  while telling me that she loves my videos and offering me a big movie role for next summer when they start filming here in Canada"

I told everyone about my new job offer while my mom and Justin cheered for me while my dad congratulated me and Sam did again too.

"I actually have a little surprise for you Alex" Sam said while excusing himself from the table and headed towards the garage door. He came back with a huge bag and it looks like can't be!  "OMG

ITS BEAUTIFUL!" I scream since the new case he bought me is absolutely perfect! It has a cool pocket where you keep picks in, with really cool picks in them.

"You don't think that's it do you?" he says while smirking again. There's more! I think to myself while in of course, getting even more excited. Sam opened up the case revealing the most beautiful earrings I have ever seen, there are pink and normal diamonds that dangle off of small white gold chains! It goes perfectly with my wedding ring! I can’t believe he noticed me looking at the plain diamond version of this and bought me it in the pink version, he knows me so well!

Sam's P.O.V

“Sam!” Alex screamed and tackled me to the ground with a hug “It’s perfect! Thank you so much I love you!!!” How did I ever get so lucky? “I love you too Alex, plus you deserve to have everything!” I said back to her while pulling her hair behind her ears right before she kissed me

“You guys! Keep it PG in here, gosh!” Justin yelled from the other side of the table. I forgot that her, our family was even there. “Err, sorry guys” Alex said as she got up from on top of me. “Can we be excused?” She asked them “Of course honey, I’ll just put your dinner in a Tupperware container so you can eat it later on if you get hungry” Emma replied. “Thanks” Alex said back as she dragged me upstairs for my “Thank you”


I slowly opened my eyes so that the bright room wouldn’t make them burn. Monday. The worst day known to man will always be Monday. I better wake Alex up too so she can make it to work on time, since it is her first day back.  “Baby, wake up you need to get ready for work, it’s almost 9:00” I lied so she could get up faster and be finished getting ready earlier “Oh my god I’m going to be late. I need to take a shower now!!!” She ran into the bathroom without even looking at the clock that clearly said “7:30” on it.

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