{5 1/2} End Of Day 1

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I smile and get up a moment later, walking down the hall towards Aleks and James' office. I peek into Aleks' seeing that he was recording, probably with james. I sit down and lean against the wall in between their offices, looking at the wall, closing my eyes and waiting for them to be done.

I was unable to fall asleep sitting outside of their offices because of the yelling and laughing that was coming from both of them so I just sat there mindlessly scrolling through my phone. I sent a few updates to my mom telling her everything was great then just went on Twitter and tumblr.

I listened to them as they ended their recordings and looked at the time. It was already 9:57pm and I was just sitting outside their offices listening to things move and feet shuffle.

Finally Aleks walks out and he jumps when he sees me on the ground, looking at my phone. "Oh- hey you're still here?" He asks giving me a smile and I look up to him nodding. He chuckles slightly, "you could have come into my office you know, I have some chairs in there and I wouldn't have minded" he adds and I giggle slightly, pushing myself off the ground, standing up.

"Nah it's cool I would probably have tripped and fell on the floor, knowing me" I say and he laughs, James walking out of his office. I notice that both of them too had a backpack of things they brought to and from the office.

"You're still here!" James shouts once he sees me, and I bite my lip, nodding as I look at him now. "Cool, so I guess you're coming with us?" He says with a grin and I nod, smiling. "Cool! We were thinking of getting pizza or something you wouldn't mind if we stopped would you?"

I shake my head, patting my stomach "no I'm kinda hungry myself I could go for some pizza" I grin and we all head out to Aleks' car, Aleks and James in the front me in the back. I slide in behind James, Aleks starting the car all of us buckled up. He drives off and we end up going to a Pizza Hut. We all walk inside and Aleks orders us a pizza, paying for it. As soon as the pizza comes we head back to the car and aleks gives me to hold since I have the most space in the back. We all climb into the car and I hold the pizza as I buckle up, having it set on the seat beside me. As we start to drive back to Aleks and James' place I bite my lip, grinning and peeling open the pizza box hoping they wouldn't hear it over their music and conversation. I swiftly grab a piece, pulling it out and closing the box gently. I take a bite of the pizza slice and look at the window happily.

James abruptly spins around, narrowing his eyes at me "HEY! You're EATING the PIZZA!" He shouts, reaching a hand back towards me. I scrunch back and down to stay out of his reach, taking another bite. "You're eating the pizza?!?" Aleks shouts, looking back to me for a couple seconds.

"Yes now keep your eyes on the road in hungry as fuck what do you expect!" I shout back, taking a third bite, tempting James as I do.

"Can I haaaaveee oneeee" James whines, his arm flopping down as he looks to me sadly. I giggle slightly and nod, grabbing him a piece

"You may have a piece but none for Aleksandr, he needs to keep his eyes on the road and maybe he can have a piece" I say, James smirking as he takes the piece of pizza and turning around, eating it.

We both hear aleks' stomach growl and we laugh at him as he groans, speeding up on the empty road. "Woah calm down speed racer!" James shouts and his aleks on the arm.

The rest of the ride to their apartment was filled with fights about the pizza. When we arrived there I carried it inside and up to their place. They lead me to their apartment and we went to the kitchen.

I set the pizza on the counter and aleks dove for it, grabbing two pieces, starting to shove them into his mouth. "Damn dood calm down" I say as I watch Aleks shove the pizza into his mouth. I grab one more slice, eating it as Aleks tries to fix his situation of pizza sauce all over his face. James and I stand next to each other, watching Aleks panic and run around trying to get the sauce off of his face, mouth still full of pizza. He finally chokes down the pizza and gets some paper towels, quickly wiping down his face to get to sauce off. I just shake my head as he takes heavy breaths. "Smooth move Aleksandr" James says finally, shaking his head, a smile cracked on his face.

After the whole pizza fiasco Aleks put the remaining pizza in the fridge and James headed off to bed. I realized that I did not have my bag. With my clothes. I let out a groan, throwing back my head and squeezing my eyes shut. "What is it?" Aleks asks and I stop groaning, looking at them.

"My bag is still in Jordan's car" I mumble, some hair falling into my face.

"Oh shit dood, you could....uh..borrow some of mine for the night? then change when you're at the office?" He suggests, giving me a small smile.

I can feel my face heat up and I smile, nodding, "that would be, uh.. Great" I say, as best as I can.

He leads me off to his room, and when we walk in I grin, looking around his room. He walks over to a dresser and opens a drawer, glancing towards me. He pulls out a pair of red plaid pajama pants, then closes that drawer opening another one, pulling out a nobs 4 lyf t-shirt. He walks over and hands them to me; "are these okay for the night?"

I nod smiling, taking the clothes, "this is perfect, thank you so much Aleks" I say, turning and walking out of the room

"The bathroom is down the hall to the right and then it's the second door to the left" he directs, and I nod, walking down the hall, turning into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and pull my sweatshirt off, placing it on the counter, pulling off my tank top and my pants. I replace them with the clothes that Aleks gave me. I gather my clothes into a pile and walk out of the bathroom, going down to aleks' room again, peering in, seeing him sitting on his bed on his phone. I lightly knock on his door getting his attention. "Hey! Where should I put my clothes? And where do you want me to sleep?" I ask and he smiles, standing up and walking over to me.

"Sorry but we don't really have an extra bedroom, but we have a couch?" He suggests and I giggle slightly

"Guess I made the wrong choice coming here" I grin, winking at him and he chuckles, leading me to the living room.

"You can sleep on this couch" he says, stopping and pointing at the couch "I guess you could just leave your clothes next to it until you get your bag tomorrow" I nod and smile

"Thanks Aleks" I smile, dropping my clothes on the floor by the couch.

"Let me get you some blankets and a pillow" he walks off, coming back with a two blankets and a pillow. He sets the pillow on the couch and lays out the blankets for me "is that okay? Do you need anything else?" He asks kindly and I smile, shaking my head.

"Nope! This is perfect, thank you again Aleks" I blush slightly as he pulls me into a hug, resting his head on mine.

"It's no problem, my pleasure, goodnight!" He smiles, letting go of me, waving as he walks to his room. I bite my lip, laying down and curling up under the blanket, falling asleep soon after, smiling as I thought about the day.

A/N- hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did leave a vote and a comment✌️

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