{3} Meetings & Tours

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We all walk inside of the building and climb the stairs to the second floor, Jordan leading us to the office, opening the door for us. I walk in first, Joe Aleks James and Jordan following me.

Jordan closes the door and walks over to the hallway "guys come here!" He shouts down the hall, and I hear some doors open. Jordan turns around and walk in, smiling at me. "We will get you all introduced when we have everyone here" he says and I nod, smiling.

Everyone soon makes there way in here and Jordan hops onto the rollerboard, rolling around the guys and stefani, lining them up in a line.

"Alright so I'm assuming you know who we all are but guys" he says, turning to all the creatures and the interns. "This is Parker and she will be visiting us for the next week or so" he says, smiling slightly and a few of them nod in return to his words.

Jordan dismisses the guys- and stefani, saying they can get to know me more after I settle in slightly. "So how do you feel about giving Parker a tour?" Jordan asks, rolling towards Joe and I, directing the question to Joe obviously.

Joe nods firmly, smiling "yeah no problem!" He shouts slightly and I smile. Jordan nods and rolls of towards his office.

I run my body so I can look at Joe, letting my eyes wander up to his face, looking up to him, seeing him without his mask. "Joe! Your mask is gone!" I say, making an ':0' face, putting my hand on my chest.

"Yeah, I mean I don't wear my mask that often since I revealed my face at RTX 2015 so... Why not" he says, giving a small shrug, smiling down to me.

I giggle slightly "oh yeah I remember that, I guess I still need to get used to your cute little face" I say, pinching his cheek gently, grinning as he chuckles, swatting away my hand softly.

"I know it's still kind of weird but people will get used to it! Now let's get this tour going!" He shouts the last part, earning a small laugh from me, nodding in approval.

"Please do show me your castle young knight" I coo and he plays along, giving me a small bow

"Yes my queen do follow me" he says, holding out his hand that I gratefully take which makes him lead me to the kitchen, waving his arm around* so this is the kitchen, nothing super special just food and storage I guess" he says and I nod, waddling over to the fridge.

I pull open the fridge door and look around at the packed fridge "what can I have?" I ask as I feel Joe walk up behind me, peeking over my shoulder.

"You can have a yogurt if you'd like" he says, standing up straight and I grin, grabbing an on the go yogurt happily.

"Thanks Joe" I approved, closing the door and opening my yogurt. He leads me out as I start to sip on my yogurt happily, bringing me into the conference room.

"This is where we have lunch, or have meetings and stuff like that" he says, waving his hand around to show me the room. "So we will be eating in here" he mentioned, and I turned to head out, giving him a smile as he did the same. Joe led me out of the conference room and down into the long corridor of offices. The first office stop was Jordan's office. Joe knocked on the door and we both peeked out heads in.

"This is Jordan's room" Joe started to explain "don't try to drink water out of the fountain it's green" he says and I giggle, Jordan chuckling and shaking his head, sliding out from behind his desk on his chair, giving us a wave.

"Howdy, welcome to my office" Jordan replies and I nod, looking around the room slightly "pardon the mess" he adds in, glancing around his messy office, making me chuckle.

"That's alright! My room is always messy at home this is nothing!" I sympathized, smiling and waving my hand slightly.

"Oh okay, well you're welcome in here anytime" he says, and Joe and I wave goodbye to signal we are moving on with the tour, closing the door to his office and head across the hall to stefani's office.

She looks up from her computer and stands up, walking over to hoe and I, holding out her hand. "Hello! Its nice to meet you Parker" she says, giving me a bright smile.

I return the smile and shake her hand "it's nice to meet you too Stefani, this is like a dream to be here" I say honestly, heart pounding in my chest as we shake hands.

She nods and releases my hand, "I'm glad your dream came true" she says, genuinely happy for me. I nod as she turns and goes back to her desk to organize some stuff for the guys.

I smile, saying bye to Stefani, and turning around, walking down the hall to the next office.

We went along with our tour, making it all the way to the prop room where Joe was showing me his old chicken heads and some weapons when there was a commotion down the hall.

"JAMES STOP" Aleks' voice echoes through the hall. I hop up, startled by the sudden shouting in the office. Joe sets down his old mask and walks out of the prop room with me. We peek out into the hallway and see James backing out of Aleks' office, spraying a large can of silly string at him, and all over his office.

A/N- third chapter done! Hope you enjoyed and if you did don't forget to drop a comment, and vote! ✌️

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