{2} Car Ride Problems

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We walked out of the airport and sly and I put our bags in the trunk. Joe finally put me down and I see sly look over the car. "Jordan there's a problem" He chuckles and everyone looks at him including me. "There's only five seats and" He motions around to us glancing at everyone "six of us"

Jordan looks at all of us and purses his lips, glancing into the car. "Dern sure sly dern sure" he says, looking around at us.

"I can uh... stay here and you can come back and pick me up?" I mumble, scratching the back of my neck and they all shake their heads.

"No way we're not leaving you here!" Joe shouts and I giggle, smiling to him.

"We can make it work" James says and Jordan gets in the drivers seat, Eddie calling shotgun and sliding into the front passenger seat. James and Aleks slide into the back, Aleks behind the drivers seat, James in the middle. Joe squeezes in as best as he can, squishing James and Aleks, testing to make room for me. "There's no way I'm fitting in that tiny spot, plus poor Aleks and James are squished!" I giggle, looking to Aleks making a weird face and James complaining.

Joe moves back into just his seat letting James and Aleks scooting and adjusting, letting out deep breaths. "Damn dude I couldn't breath" Aleks shouts, looking at Joe.

Joe laughs and shrugs, and I grin "when I went to the city we always had this problem and I always sat on someone's lap or I was squished on the ground!" I say, remembering all the times I went to the city with my family and friends and we squeezed into a cab.

"Let's relive old memories and have you get in here" James says, looking out to me smiling.

I grin and climb in, Jordan and Eddie looking back to us, waiting for us to be set.

I slide into all three of their laps lazily, head by Aleks, legs by Joe, lifting my feet up so Joe could close the door. He dodges my feet, pulling the door closed.

"All set back there," Jordan asks, Eddie facing forward now, Jordan glancing back.

I hold up a thumb "all good" Joe says, holding my legs where my calves are to keep me from hitting his face.

Jordan turns around and nods, starting the car and heading out to the highway.

I rest my head down and sigh, eyes wandering the close surroundings of the car, looking down and seeing Aleks' jeans, my eyes looking around more seeing I was on his crotch, pushing myself up slightly, my cheeks heating up.

I push myself forward and rest my head on the door, looking up to Aleks, my face heating up more. I rest my head against the door and bite my lip.

After a couple minutes Jordan pulls off to the highway, slowing down slightly still going pretty fast.

"Jordan don't you think you should slow down?" Eddie asks and Jordan looks at his speedometer, going 15 mph over the speed limit.

"Yeah I feel like we're still on the highway" James pipes up

"At least you can see out the window" I mumble, earning a few chuckles from the guys.

Jordan shrugs and grins "I like to live on the wild side!" He says, quickly speeding up then slowing down back to his original speed

"Holy crap Jordan this is almost as bad as aleks!" James shouts at Jordan and aleks pushes James slightly.

"Jordan you never live on the wild side" Eddie giggles, holding onto the door.

"Yeah really leave the bad driving to aleks" I mumble, pounding on the back of his seat, aleks pushing me slightly almost making me fall off him.

As we near an intersection the light turns yellow then red and Jordan totally guns it, making us all shout, a truck pulling perpendicularly into the intersection. "WATCH OUUTTT" Joe shouts, pointing at the truck, Jordan trying to swerve around it.

The truck blows it's horn for a little, also swerving to try and not hit us. I pop my head up and watch as the truck zooms past barely missing us. I turn my head towards Jordan heart pounding, Jordan still speeding down the road until the intersection is out of view. He finials slows down to the speed limit everyone taking heavy breaths.

I sit up in the seal yoga position or what ever to look around as people start yelling and talking at the same time.

"Jordan you almost killed us!" Aleks yells, shaking Jordan's seat

"We have a guest and this is what you do!"James shouts, throwing up his hands

"I just wanted to visit you guys" Eddie whines and I let out a little giggle making everyone look at me, and Jordan glance to me before bringing his eyes back to the road.

"Why are you laughing we almost died!" Joe says, still holding my legs tightly

"Yeah are you crazy or something?" Aleks puts in

"Joe your best friend is fucking crazy" James mumbles and I let out another giggle making Eddie giggle.

"I'm sorry it's just-" I let out a small giggle again, running my fingers through my hair "that was actually pretty cool, like the movies or something" I say, smiling and looking at everyone

Sly giggles again and nods "that was something like the movies"

"except we weren't being chased" Joe adds in, holding up a finger.

"Alright alright I've slowed down now are you all happy" Jordan says, driving more calm like, making us nod.

A couple minutes later he pulls into the office parking lot, parking in a space near the front, shutting the car off.

"Welcome to the office" Joe says as we open the doors to the car.

A/N- sweet got a second chapter finally! Just so you know this will be updated at least once a week. So if you like drop a vote and comment ✌️

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