Chapter 13- Bring It On

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Damien didn't come in again. I heard him muttering outside and wandering around but my door didn't open once.

I wriggled around in my bonds, loosening them the way Mum had taught me. Just thinking about her made me choke up. What if Damien had gone to see her? What if she had gone looking for me?

Stay calm Fi. Panic helps no one. You are going to get out of here and you will beat the shit out of that idiot, just stay calm. For now.

I took a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth. I repeated this exercise until I felt my heart go back to normal. Once my head felt clearer, I analysed my situation.

Ok, the room I was in was small but not overly. The roof was high enough for me to stand in but there were no windows. Well, apart from the stained one in the door which was the only source of light. The door itself looked like it was possibly made of metal? Looking around a bit more carefully, I realised that the walls were also made of a sort of metal or heavy concrete. There was no denying it, Damien had really put in some effort to keep me contained.

I felt around for something I could use as a weapon or to cut my bonds until my hands eventually fell on a piece of glass.


After a bit of fumbling, I positioned it against the rope and sawed. It must have taken over an hour until eventually, I felt the rope fraying and weakening. I dropped the glass, carefully so that there was no sound, and flexed my wrists. The torn bits of cord came apart and I ripped of my gag. I tried to move but a weight on my wing stopped me. I looked around to see my wings laying behind me, one of them in a splint. So this was his way of apologising.

I growled and ripped off the wood, channeling my power into healing my wing. I discovered a few days ago that I had the rare ability to heal abnormally fast when the stairs had sent me sprawling. I had broken my wrist but within the hour, it had healed to that of a sprained wrist. Half an hour after that, it had completely gone.

Within a few minutes, I felt that my wing was completely healed. Next I focused on my face where a large bruise had formed. I was going to get Damien back for that one. Once the bruise was healed, I let the power take over, healing the tiny cuts and bruises situated all over my body.

Once the healing was finished, I flexed out my wings to test their durability. They stretched out, ready for round two. And this time, no holding back.


"Hey, idiot!" I called out. I didn't even have to focus to stay calm. I was under the influence of a cold, hard fury. Fury for the way he had lied to me, fury for how he had treated me and fury and how he had pretended to love me. All those things, key contributors into my rage.

I heard Damien walk over, his footsteps slow and mocking.

"What is it Fiona? Need a magazine? Sorry, but we don't have any-"

"What do you really look like?" I interrupted.

The look on his face showed that whatever he had expected me to say, it hadn't been this. Perfect.

My plan was to either distract him or get him into my room so I could escape. Not the best of plans, I know, but I didn't have much time to think of a good one. And if I was being honest, I was curious too. I had always wondered what a daemon looked like in its true form. Was it just a cloud of dark smoke or was it like a parasite, something that latched on under the skin? I had asked Mum about it but she had just told me that it didn't matter. Daemons were daemons and if I ever came across one, it wouldn't matter about what they were like inside because either way they would kill me. Fair point I guess.

My question had caught him off guard though. "What?"

I rolled my eyes and spoke louder, talking in a voice like I was talking to an idiot. Hopefully it would annoy him even more. "I said, 'what do you really look like?'. You know, out of your human host. How do you daemons do that anyway? Take over the live of an innocent, corrupting their mind and invading their privacy? How do you live with yourself, day in day out, knowing that the body you are in isn't really yours. That the reflection you see really isn't you?"

I could hear his breathing getting more laboured, sharp like he was trying to keep his calm. I was almost there.

"Are you really that evil? Or do you just not care about anyone apart from yourself? You know what you freaks remind me of? A parasite. You know, the type that invades a host? Working its way through the host, all disgusting and-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because the door was flung open. Grinning, I stood up and flexed out my wings. The fury I was reading off him was almost overwhelming, dark and pulsing. I was so close. One correct hit and his facade would come crumbling. So close.

I grinned mockingly, flashing my teeth. "There's my favourite parasite"

He snapped.

Bring. It. On.

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