Chapter 9- Date Night

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Mum said yes. Which I don't know is a good thing or not. Now that it's only 10 minutes till Damien gets here, I'm starting to freak out a bit.

"Mum have you seen my phone?"

"You're holding it sweetie"

"Oh, right. Well, have you seen my handbag?"

"On the kitchen table"

"Thank you!"

It had been like this for a while now, me run and try to find stuff, placing it somewhere and then forgetting where I placed it. I must have brushed my teeth at least 5 times already. Yep, I wasn't nervous at all.

I was just walking back when I heard Mum open the door.

"Damien, come in"

"I would love to Ms. Clearwater but we really can't. The movie is about to start and we still have to get tickets"

"Not a problem. Fiona! Damien's here!"

I took a deep breath and walked out. Wow, he looked good. Jeans, jacket, beanie. Hot.

"You look amazing" Damien exclaimed. I blushed furiously.

"Ok lovebirds, time to go. Fi, have you got your purse?" Mum asked.

I showed her my bag and she winked at me.

"Have fun you two!"

"Bye Mum!"

"Bye Ms. Clearwater!"

Damien opened the car door for me and walked around to his side. Soon we were off to the cinemas.


The movie was good. It was a romantic comedy (surprise, surprise) about a couple who get separated and then find each other again, blah blah blah. The basic mixture for corny romances. It was sweet though, I had to admit.

The company wasn't so bad either. Damien sat on my left and we shared a popcorn. He didn't try 'feeling me up' or any of that ridiculous things guys do and instead, held my hand for most of the movie, giving it a small squeeze occasionally. His hand was freezing cold and I had to keep myself from pulling out of his grasp at first. By halfway, I barely noticed it.

After the movie, we went to a nearby Japanese restaurant for dinner. How Damien knew that I loved sushi was beyond me. I suspected Kathy was behind it.

We were sitting at the table, eating our sushi (he knew how to use chopsticks as well!), when I struck up a conversation.

"Ok, I have been trying to figure this out for ages. Are you Irish or Scottish?"

Hey, I may have lived in England most of my life but I had never fully understood which accent belonged to which country.

He laughed.

"Irish, born and raised"

I laughed.

"What about you? What brings you to Australia?"

Dammit. Luckily Mum and I had been working on a cover for these sorts of questions.

"It was costing too much to live in England and Mum wasn't getting much at her job. She wanted a change of scenery so we decided to move here"

"Just your Mum and you?"

"Yeah, my father wasn't really the type to stick around. He left when I was three. Mum's tough though, she's done a great job of looking after me and earning a living. She may look small, but you wouldn't want to mess with her"

He gave a wry smile.

"No, I'm sure you wouldn't"

Just at that time, our dessert came and we got stuck into the ice cream and chocolate sauce. Yum!


After dinner, Damien took me to a park near the city. It was close enough to see the lights and beauty of Melbourne but not enough to smell or hear it.

It was a clear night which meant some stars (lights clouded most of them) but it also meant freezing air. Weather which I hadn't dressed for.

"Flipping heck, it's freezing!"

We were sitting on a blanket that Damien had found in the car. It was a nice woolly one but it still wasn't keeping me warm. Unfortunately, there wasn't any others.


He took of his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. Like his hands, it was also slightly cold. Soon enough, it heated up.

"Yes, thank you so much. Aren't you cold?"

He laughed.

"Never really felt the cold"

No surprise there.

We sat for a while, looking up at the stars.

"If only there want so many lights. When I was younger, Mum and I would take our blankets outside and sleep under the stars. There were millions of them, twinkling and blinking above us. It's one of my favourite memories of England"

Damien looked over at me and smiled.

"That sounds like it would have been nice"

I sighed. I didn't realise how much I missed England. Talking about it made me realise
that it was the little things, the things I had took for granted, that I missed most.

We lay down for a while longer, looking up at the stars with the sounds of traffic as background noise.



I turned my head to look at him and he looked at me.

"I-" He took a breath "I-oh never mind"

I smiled at him.


He smiled back. And as I turned my head back to the stars, I realised what had looked wrong about his smile. It hadn't reached his eyes.

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