Chapter 1- I Discover Myself

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My name is Fiona Clearwater and as you know, I'm an Angel. Technically, I'm an Angel in training because I only just became of age. My seventeenth birthday was only 7 days ago. My mother is an Angel too. She is the one teaching me the basics. I never knew who my father was and Mum hasn't told me anything about him. Each Angel specializes in one of the four elements, a gift that will help them fight Daemons. It may be Earth, it may be Fire. It may be Water or even Air. An Angel doesn't know until later in their training. I hope to be an Earth Elementalist like my mother. She can control the plants and the ground doing amazing feats of growing plants at an amazing rate and growing mountains out of pebbles and reverse. An Air Elementalist would be helpful too, being an Angel with wings and all.

"Come on Fi! Breakfast then straight into training!" Comes Mum's voice from the kitchen "Yay" I call back sarcastically "Just let me sleep for 5 more minutes" And snuggle back into my doona. "Now Fi" Groggily, I get dressed and walk down to the kitchen. Mum's face is barely visible in the stream of sunlight coming from the window. She's cooking up bacon and eggs with the family herbs and spices to give them a great taste. "Here you go" She says, as she places the breakfast on my plate. "Thinking we should try and determine what Elementalist you are today" I nearly choked on my eggs. "Today!" I manage to say. "Why not? You're a week into your training. What better time to see than now?" "How about never?" I say to myself. To be honest, I'm scared of what the results may be. Usually, you feel a faint connection with an element before it becomes official. Me, I hadn't felt that connection. Ever. I was scared that I might become the first Angel with no element. Sure, I wanted to be remembered, but not in that way! "Umm, ok? How do we do it?" I managed to ask. "I will put out an object that represents each of the elements. I'll tell you the rest when we get to the training room" Just to tell you, the training room is like a basement but much cooler. There are sound proof walls for when we're training with weapons, targets and everything else to help a young Angel become fully fledged. I turned to Mum. "Ok, how do I know what element I belong to?" "Sit down here" Says Mum as she points to a spot on the ground. "I'll just be a minute" I sit down on the spot she pointed to and cross my legs. I watch Mum hustle around the room. She collects a potted plant, a geranium maybe, a candle, a small bowl of water and a wind chime. She also collects a clear crystal point. I guess that that each object represents an element, but there are only four. So why has she collected the crystal? "Ok" Says Mum, after she's put all of the objects around me "What you have to do is walk around and place your hand over each object. I'm sure you've already guessed that they each represent an element. If the element that the object represents is for you, then the object will emit a faint glow" She must have seen my slight uneasiness. "It's ok, Fiona, every Angel has an element. It's not always what they thought or what they wanted but they get used to it. Just have a try" Slowly, I stood up and walked over to the geranium. I placed my hand over it and waited but nothing happened. So, I wasn't an Earth Elementalist like my mother. I moved on to the wind chime that I guessed represented Wind, and placed my hand over it. Again, nothing happened. I moved on to the candle and the bowl and again, no glow. I couldn't help the heavy feeling over my heart and the bitter thoughts in my head. I was the first Angel to never have an Element, just like I feared. As I walked out of the circle, my hand brushed over the crystal. I'd forgotten about that. A tingle went up my arm and the crystal let out a glow. I heard my Mum gasp behind me. Whatever this crystal represented, it was for me. "Mum" I said slowly, not taking my eyes of the glowing crystal. "What does this mean?" I turn around slowly to see Mum staring in awe at me. "Mum, what's going on?" I ask her, starting to get scared. "Mum, what does this mean?" Mum seems to come out of a trance and motions me over. "Let me tell you a story" She began as soon as we were seated. "As you know, when the Evertone was new and Angels had just been given the role of Guardians, Gaia or Mother Earth gave the first five Angels the gift of an element. The first four got the gifts of Air, Water, Earth and Fire which has been handed down through all Angels. But the fifth Angel, Gaia saw something in her. She saw that she was more powerful, kinder and had more leadership than her fellows and gave her the power of Spirit. Spirit is the rare gift of control over the four elements and only one Angel in every millennium has this power. Angels who have this gift are called the Imperium. The gift is so rare that many people have forgotten it over time. We still put out the crystal to represent it but only to keep tradition. The last Angel who had this died in protecting his friends and family from Draven Bane, the dark leader. That Angel was your great-great-grandfather, Fiona. He almost destroyed Draven but the dark one got away. Your great-great-grandfather wasn't so lucky' She looked up at me "And now I see that you have inherited his gift. I will train you so hard so the same fate does not befall upon you" I had heard of Drake Bane. He was the ruler of the Daemons, the most powerful one of them and the only Daemon who had a physical body. I had inherited the gift that my ancestor had used to almost destroy him. If he found me, I was as good as dead. That thought made me confident. He would not find me and if he did, I would finish what my great-great-grandfather had started. "Well, I'm just going to have to train harder then" I said defiantly and stood up. "Let's get to it"

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