Chapter 4- This Is Now My Life

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"Breathe Fiona!" Mum shouts at me and hits me in the stomach. I almost shout back at her but hold my tongue just in time. Instead, I take a deep breath and focus on the plant in front of me. Well, plant to be. Mum had decided to first teach me Earth, being her element and all. She had told me that being an Imperium, I had my own powers, unique to other Angels, but I also had to learn the other four elements. Personally, it was sounding very Avatar to me.

"Fiona, concentrate! You're not even trying!"

I grit my teeth and focus again. Mum had planted a seed in some dirt and then had told me to make it grow. I had just looked at her in astonishment until she had stepped in front of me and shown me how.

"Breathe. Earth is calm and sturdy and to master it, you must also be calm and confident in what you are doing. Feel the seed in the earth, feel it's life and potential and then think grow-" She lifted her hand and the seed sprouted beneath us, "And it will grow" She faced me. "Now make it grow"

It had been ten minutes and the stupid seed hadn't even shifted. "Mum, it's useless! This stupid seed hates me!"

"Fine. It's almost time for school anyway"

She didn't say it but I could sense her disappointment. Call it an Imperium thing but I had the ability to read the emotions in a room and in people. It had shown a few days after my first day at school and so far, it wasn't useful for much.

We exited the training room and went upstairs. I was already in my school uniform, black blazer with red trim along with a white blouse and red and black checkered skirt. It wasn't exactly the nicest uniform in the world but I had seen worse.

"I'm sorry Mum"

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Sweetie, it's not your fault. I'm pushing you too hard"

"But I should be able to do it! That's what's annoying me the most! I need to be ready in case something happens but-"

"Shhhhhhhhh. It'll be ok honey. It'll work out, we'll figure out the best way to do this. Let's just focus on getting you to school at the moment"

I looked at the clock and almost yelped.

"I'm going to be late for school!"

I heard Mum laughing as I raced down the hall to get my school bag. This is what my life had become- training morning and noon while still trying to get to school on time. It was tough but I still wouldn't have changed it for the world.


Second period and I was already starting to think of home time. I didn't have this class with anyone I knew apart from Caleb but as he was still avoiding me, I may as well have known no one.

"The Australian Gold Rush was one of the most prosperous times in Australian history. People from all over the world came to see if they could find gold. Many were- Fiona Clearwater, are you listening?"

I jerked out of my day dream to see Ms. Ambis, my history teacher glaring at me. From the first class, she had hated me. And with her beady eyes, piercing voice and horrible nature, I disliked her right back.

"Yes Miss"

"Would you care to explain to the class what I was just saying?"

Everyone was looking at me now. Well, everyone except Caleb. What was that guys problem? Was I really that ugly that he refused to look at me?


"Sorry Miss. You were talking about the Australian Gold Rush and how prosperous and amazing it was for Australia"

I couldn't help myself from smirking slightly at her astonished look. She hadn't thought I had been listening. Thanks to Mums' extensive basic training on listening and taking information while thinking about other things.

"Yes. Well-"

She continued on and I continued with what I had been doing previously. Looking out the window and dreaming of freedom.

Before long, the bell rang and I grabbed my books. I had a mission and this time, Caleb wouldn't escape. I needed to find out why he was acting like I didn't exist because it was really starting to annoy me.

"Caleb!" I called and ran to catch up with him. He started walking faster so I put on a burst of speed. Before long, I caught up and stepped in front of him

"What is your problem?" I demanded. He didn't say anything and looked at the ground.

"I haven't done anything to you and yet you still act like I've wronged you somehow! It's not fair! If I've done something to annoy you or make you sad, you can tell me. It's better than this, this, avoidance!"

"You didn't do anything"

I had almost thought that he wasn't going to answer. As it was, I barely heard him.


He lifted his head and looked me in the eye. " I said, you didn't do anything. Now leave me alone"

Confused, I continued to stare after him as he turned the corner. I know that this ability was new but I also knew it hadn't been wrong so far. And when I had stood in front of Caleb, I could sense that he had been scared. Of me.

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