Chapter 12- Harsh Words, Harsher Feelings

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I knew that Damien was a daemon but it hasn't sunk in until that moment. All those laughs and good times we had flashed before my eyes. He had seemed so normal! Daemons had always been represented to me as vicious, cold and calculating. Up until now, Damien hadn't shown any of that!

My shock made me falter, creating the perfect moment for Damien to take back control. With a grunt, he broke free of the vines. His eyes turned black again as he grabbed my throat, fingers tightening and crushing my airway.

I couldn't breathe! I could feel my lungs aching for one sweet bit of oxygen, causing me to gulp like a fish out of water. My vision started to go black, just little dots around the outside of my vision. I pounded on Damien's chest with all my strength but I may as well have been hitting titanium.

'Did you really think that you could beat me? Wow Fi, you really are stupid' He sneered, face dark and cruel. How could he do that? Be a kind and caring person one minute and a cold, manipulative monster the next. How could two completely different beings live in the same body?

The Damien you know, your friend, he was a lie. A facade. This is the real Damien. A daemon. Suck it up Fi and fight back.

I kicked out, using my wings for a push. He grimaced as my foot connected with his stomach but didn't let go. With a cruel sneer, he reached around and grabbed one of my wings before snapping it. The crack echoed across the room, bouncing off all the walls. But my scream was by far louder.

I had never experienced so much pain before in my life. There were no words to describe it.

My body went limp as I blacked out from both the agony and lack of breath. The last thing I felt was Damien gently placing me on the floor.


I woke up to find myself bound and gagged. That was the only thing I discovered before a sickening pain found its way back to me. All the events of the past few minutes came back to me and I gasped aloud.

No, it couldn't be true. He couldn't be. And yet here I was, broken, bound and gagged and living proof that he was indeed a daemon.

I wriggled my mouth out of the gag.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled out, straining my voice to go as loud as it could in the hopes that he would hear me.

"Exactly what I was thinking" Came a quiet voice to my left.

I gasped. "Who's there?!"

Slowly my eyes were adjusting to the darkness and I saw the faint silhouette of person.

"What, can't even recognise the voice of your true love?"

I growled.


With a chuckle, he turned on the light. I blinked until slowly, my vision began to come back to me. Looking up, I saw the dickhead himself seated before me.

"Hey Fi, how ya doing?"

I responded by spitting at him.

"Wow, very mature"

"Untie me and I'll show you how mature I really am"

"Well, well, well. Where has this snarky little bitch been hiding? What happened to sweet old Fi?"

I growled. "She's left"

He grunted, whether in surprise or humour I couldn't tell.

"What am I doing here Damien? Where the hell is Caleb? And why haven't you killed me yet?"

He bared his teeth at me. "Do you really think I'm so stupid that I would actually tell you? Oh, and stop trying to escape"

He jumped up and grabbed my wrists just as I was about to break free.

"Uh uh uh. Can't have you escaping can we now?" He retied my wrists and stood in front of me.

"Dear, little Fi. Imagine my surprise to find out that my prey was to be you? The great and powerful Imperium was just my sweet Fiona?" He exclaimed as he ran his fingers along my cheek. I bided my time until his hand came near my cheek. Then I snapped my head to the side and bit his hand as hard as I could.

"You bitch!" He exclaimed and slapped me across the face, causing me to see stars.

When I came to, my mouth was gagged only tighter this time. I looked up and glared at Damien.

"You stupid bitch. So much for being nice!"

I squealed and grunted angrily at him, trying to say something along the lines of "This is what you call nice!"

He still got the memo. He laughed and I glared again.

"Ok look. To be honest, I really didn't want to hurt you! But you left me no choice. The truth is, I didn't know you were the Imperium until you came in here. You see, the only people who can enter here are the people I want to, or an Imperium"

With that information, he stood up and untied my mouth. Walking out, he turned in the doorway just long enough to make one last parting comment.

"Fi, I really wished it hadn't been you. But this is a war and we are on opposite sides of the battlefield"

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