Chapter 5- Who is that?

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I have been going to St. Hope's now for three weeks now and I was slowly becoming a regular. Occasionally I would get the odd glance from a new teacher or people would say "Fiona who?". And I still haven't talked to Caleb since that day. He avoids me and never hangs out with Kathy and the others when I'm there. He's a problem that I'm still working on. But apart from that, school is good.


"Ok, now fight me"

I stopped my Earth magic and looked at Mum to see if she was being serious. Steely eyes met mine. Wow, she was being serious!

"Why? I don't want to hurt you"

"Daemons can possess anyone, including those who mean a lot to us. If it comes down to it, you may have to fight friend or even family and when that time comes, you must be ready. Now fight me"

I sighed and half heartedly sent a root toward Mum. Yeah, I had come far from the seed experience. It took almost no effort for me to grow things now, something I was very proud of.

Mum dodged the root and sent three back at me, one going for my neck and the others for my legs. I quickly counteracted and before long, we were fighting.

Root after root, Mum pelted me with flower power until I started to feel the sweat collecting on my brow. I pushed back and to my surprise, a couple of rocks pelted towards her. Before I could do anything to stop them, Mum flung out her hand and they froze midair. Wow. I didn't know I could do that! Awesome!

"Good job Fi!" Mum grinned at me and lowered her hand. The suspended rocks dropped to the floor with a dull thud.

"Ok, that was fun" I admitted and laughed. Mum joined me and soon it was time to get to school.

"We'll continue this after school. I see we are past the plant stage"

"Can't wait!" And I actually couldn't. Since I had passed the whole seed fiasco and had actually gotten the stupid thing to grow, I had found that it became relatively easy. And I enjoyed doing it to.

First period- Computer programming. I was actually quite good with computers but I guess I didn't really have first choice in my subjects, the teachers just putting me in the classes with the least amount of people because I'm the new girl and all that.

To be honest, the class wasn't that bad. The teacher, Miss Smoak, was also the teacher who had given me my timetable on my first day. A young, perky blonde, she was actually quite nice. Although, she did have a tendency to say things and make them sound very dirty without meaning to. After these times, she would blush, try to correct herself and just end up letting us figure it out.

Just as everyone was sitting down, the principal came in to the class.

"Hello everyone. Sorry to interrupt Miss Smoak, but I have a new student with me that will be joining your class. Everyone, this is Damien Woodstock"

From behind the principal, the hottest guy I had ever seen stepped out. I swear the girl next to me almost fainted. As it was, I nearly gasped.

Tousled black hair with piercing blue eyes and high cheekbones, he was an artists masterpiece. He carried himself with an air of someone who looked good and knew that they did. He looked around the class and when his eyes met mine, I felt a twist in my stomach. He frowned a little and his eyes seemed darker as he looked at me but he moved on before I could register anything. Maybe I was imagining things.

"Welcome to the class Damien. I'm Miss Smoak, Class manager and also IT manager. You should come by my office sometime" She realised what she said and quickly amended, "To sort out your timetable I mean. Not that I wouldn't like to see you or anything. Ummm. Yeah"

Damien didn't seem fazed by Miss Smoak's misunderstanding and smiled at her. Wow, those teeth! Any brighter and I swear he could signal to aeroplanes going past. "Thank you, that would be very helpful" Wow, perfect voice too. Deep but with a lilting accent, Irish or Scottish maybe? Whatever it was, it was amazing.

Miss Smoak and the principal nodded to each other and then the principal walked away. Damien stood by the door until Miss Smoak realised that he needed somewhere to sit.

"Oh, of course. Place to sit. Damien, you can sit next toooooooooo... Aidan. Aidan give a little wave"

Aidan gave a sarcastic wave and Damien walked over to sit beside him. As he passed me, I suddenly shivered. Well, that was weird.

Miss Smoak seemed to realise that most of the girls in the class still hadn't gone back to work, she clapped her hands and ordered us to get back to it. With a couple of sighs and a few grumbles, soon everyone was back to typing. Aidan was helping Damien and teaching him what we were doing. Only I kept looking at them. Well, at least I'm not the newbie anymore.

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