Chapter 8- Cold Weather, Warm Feelings

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A month passed and still no word from Caleb. People were beginning to forget that he even went here. Only our group really missed him and it was me who worried the most.

Winter had come to Australia and it was a mighty change from the sunny weather. Being English, I was used to the cold weather and laughed to see Kathy rugged up in gloves, beanie and scarf every morning. "I'm not a cold weather person" she would explain. The only other people who didn't seem to mind the cold as much was Damien. I still had my suspicions about him but so far, he hadn't done anything 'bad' except for stay in the library when the teachers told him to get out. Rebel.


Even by my standards, it was a cold day. Most people had scarves on, that was, if they were even outside at all. Mum had kept me up training from 6 this morning so I was still fairly warm. Plus my wings helped me stay warm.

No one really knows how or why but an Angels wings help them stay warm in cold climates, even when they are being hidden. The colder the weather, the warmer the wings. I had always thought it strange but right now, I was just glad. It was like having a massive hot water bottle on my back, one that didn't go cold. It was a nice feeling.

As soon as mum dropped me off, Kathy ran at me with a hug and a squeal.

"Oof! Watch it Kath, you almost pushed me over!"

She let go and instead began jumping on the spot in front of me.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what!"


"Oliver asked me out!"

"As in a date?" Wow, no wonder she was so excited. Kathy had once told me that she had liked Oliver since year 6, back when they both went to the nearby primary school.

She nodded ecstatically and grinned. I could only laugh.

And that's how the rest of us found us.

"What's got you in a fit of laughs?" Gael looked at me and grinned.

"Her" I pointed at Kathy who still had a goofy smile on her face.

"Then I'm guessing she's told you as well. She's crazy I tell you"

"Right here folks!" Kathy chimed in. She tried to look annoyed but it failed, making us all laugh.

Once we had all calmed down, we began walking up to the locker bay. Kathy ran ahead to find Oliver while the rest of us kept a casual pace. Gael casually placed his arm around Maria, claiming that 'she looked cold'. Maria just blushed and smiled. I smiled to myself. I didn't need to be an Imperius to see what was happening here.

Damien slowed his pace to match mine until he was walking along side me.



Thanks to Caleb and his words, I was always slightly wary when walking or talking with Damien. I knew that it was foolish but the fear in Caleb's eyes, when he told me what he thought about Damien, still haunts me.

I must have had a worried look in my face because Damien started looking at me strangely. I smiled and he relaxed.

"So, there's this movie coming out. I've heard that it's really funny. I was wondering if maybe, only if you wanted to, maybe come and watch it with me this weekend?"

"Sure, we can ask Gael and Maria as well! And Kathy and Oliver"

He blushed and stopped me.

"Actually, I was wondering if you would like to go with just me?"

Oh. Oh! Now it was my turn to blush.

"You mean, like a date?"

He nodded sheepishly.

"Sure!" I blurted out. Damn mouth, I really need to work on thinking things through. I took a breath.

"I mean, yes. I'll have to ask mum though, she's sort of strict with me going out at night"

He grinned.

"No problem, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight! If your mum says yes that is!"

I smiled back. "Sounds good!"

The bell then went and Damien walked away. Why had I said yes? It wasn't like I liked him! Or did I? No, Damien was just a friend. But why had he been blushing so much when he asked me? Did he like me? Great, not even a term here and I was already having boy troubles. I walked off to my locker, grumbling to myself as I went.

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