#4 You find out... | Part 2 - Liam and Theo

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You were staying over at Liam's house and he had gotten up from playing video games with you.

'Wait Liam where are you going?' You asked him, confused.

'I.. I just gotta go somewhere. With Scott,' he said stuttering.

'Okay?' You said not totally convinced at your best friend but didn't want to push it any further.

'Right I gotta go..' He said hurriedly and shoved a jacket on over his hoodie. 'I'll be back in half an hour, I promise!'

And with that he was gone. He bolted out the room and had disappeared.

You still weren't convinced and decided to follow him to Scott's house, going firstly out of his bedroom window and down the tree that stood in his garden.

He hadn't left yet so you hid behind the tree and waited for him to leave the house. While you waited for Liam to leave the house you wondered, 'what on earth could my best friend be doing with a senior at this time of night?'

You were cut off by the sound of the front door shutting. You jumped but stayed hidden behind the tree watching him run down his drive and on to the street at a extremely fast pace. 'Is he even human?' You thought.

Scott's house was only a few blocks away you noticed when you finally caught up with Liam and saw him disappear inside.

'Now what?' You said to yourself not meaning for it to actually come out.

'Window,' you thought. 'Find a window.' But you were again cut short by Scott, Stiles and Liam jump into Stiles' battered jeep and drive off again.

Seriously, you weren't cut out for this but you stopped complaining and followed the jeep to the hospital. You decided to wait just in case they spotted you inside.

You waited for what seemed like forever but suddenly you heard a noise, it sounded like a roar. What animal in Beacon Hills roars?

You decided to investigate, you guessed the sound was from the roof so you ran through the hospital and up the stairs to the roof.

When you reached the roof you were met by the sight of you best friend transformed into what seemed like a half wolf creature. Scott looked the same except his eyes were a blood red.

'What the hell?' You though scared out of your mind.

'Y/N!' Kira was standing with a sword in hand about to attack a creature which could only be described as hideous.

'Y/N what the hell are you doing? I told you I'd be back soon!' Liam yelled at you.

'I.. I just...' You said to studded to speak as you looked at your half transformed friend.

The suddenly out of the blue another one of those large creature landed in between you and Liam cutting your conversation short. It was only after a few seconds you realised it was running towards you and there was nowhere to go.

'Y/N! RUN!' Scott shouted at you. You then turned on your heel and sprinted as fast as you could.

Then you were falling. Face first on to the ground. You looked up to see the creature with an animal skull on its face looming over you.

'Oh crap!' You though and shuffled away backwards. Shuffled backwards and off of the roof. You were falling for the second time in the past 2 minutes but this time you were scared. You were going to die.

Just as you were thinking that a clawed hand reached out and grabbed your wrist leaving a huge gash but in turn pulling you back up and over the ledge. You lay there stunned and in pain until you heard Kira shout again.

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