#4 You find out.. | Part 1 - Scott and Stiles

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A/N: That title seems darker than I intended but enjoy!


[Yeah I know he's not supernatural but this is about you finding out about the pack etc.]

You, Stiles, Lydia, Malia and Scott were bowling. You were winning and Malia seemed really bent on beating you.

'{y/n} I'm so gonna beat you this time!' Malia joked.

'Oh yeah? We'll see!' You replied.

You two were sitting on the bench along with Scott and Stiles, it was Lydia's turn bowling.

'Oi! You two shut up I'm concentrating!' Lydia said.

'Okay boss!' You replied.

Stiles was pressed up close to you and you couldn't help but feel happy. You had to admit to yourself you had a slight crush on him.

'Okay {y/n}'s turn!' Lydia called.

'Lets do this!' You psyched yourself up.

You took the ball and headed to the start of the lane concentrating on the middle pin. You swung back and let go. The ball went rolling down and hit all but three pins down.

'Hah!' You said laughing.

'You've still got another go {y/n}.' Said Stiles.

You blushed. 'Oh yeah..' You said and grabbed another ball.

You swung and the ball cleared all three pins sending you into the lead by 5 points on Malia.

'Ooh yah!' You danced around. 'Malia your go!'

'Bring it on!' She smirked and you swore you saw her eyes turn blue, just for a second.

You followed Malia up to the lane and handed her the ball. She seemed, different. Distanced you guessed. You thought nothing of it but then out of the no where her eyes turned blue as she swung back and bowled. She knocked every single pin down but you didn't care you wanted to know what the hell she was!

'Malia, what the hell is up with your eyes?' You gasped.

'What do you mean?' She looked worried.

'Stiles? Scott? What is she?' You were shaking.

'Eh {y/n} there's something we need to tell you..' Stiles said sheepishly and explained about Scott, Malia and Lydia. 'There's others too. Like Liam, Brett and Theo.' He said.

'Are you serious?' You asked Scott excitedly. 'You're a werewolf?'

'Yeah,' He laughed. 'Also keep it down!'

'Oh yeah sure..' You giggled.

'But there's something else.' Lydia nodded towards Scott. 'Isn't there?'

'Eh yeah..' Scott said. 'We have a hunch that you might be supernatural too. A banshee like your cousin, Lydia.'

'Wait so I'm a literal GPS for dead bodies?' You asked, the excitement suddenly draining out of you.

'Yeah, if you want to put it like that..' Stiles said smiling a little at your joke.

'But it's okay, we'll help you!' Scott said reassuringly.

'We promise.' Said Malia. That's a major improvement for her considering what Stiles had told you before.

Lydia nodded and you went over to sit in between the boys.

'Wait.. Malia doesn't that count as cheating?' You said. 'Using your were-coyote powers or whatever.'

Everyone laughed. You thought, 'How bad can this really be?' And went back to enjoying the night with your friends.

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