#2 What you do when you hang out

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[A/N: before you read this you guys should know you guys aren't a couple yet in this one! Enjoy!]

Seeing as you guys were both major nerds you liked to help each other study for upcoming tests. Stiles always ended up getting distracted and talking about his latest theory on the problem the pack were trying to solve at that moment in time. This time it was the Dread Doctors and chimeras.

'But what if-' Stiles started.

'Stiles stop!' You sighed. 'It's not your job to figure this out!'

'No it's not that what I was going to say.' He said.

'What were you going to say then?' You asked.

'I was going to say. What if the Dread Doctors come after all of us because of what I did?'

He was talking about killing Donovan. Poor Stiles had accidentally killed him while trying to get away from the Wendigo chimera. He had knocked off some loose scaffolding which had impaled Donovan. Stiles had felt guilty ever since although he shouldn't because it was 'self-defence' as Theo had put it.

You and Theo were the only two who knew and Stiles didn't want anyone to know so you'd kept it quiet.

'They didn't kill Theo after he killed Josh did they?' You asked. 'He's dead and there's nothing those creeps can do about it. Just another failure.'

'I guess... but don't say he's dead that just makes it worse!' He whined.

'Well what do you want me to say then? That he flew off to magical fairyland?' You grinned, trying to make the conversation a little bit happier.

'I don't know.' He breathed out. 'You know {y/n} you always make me feel a whole lot better.'

'Same to you Stilinski!' You said ruffling his dark hair. He had always cheered you up so now it was your turn. 'Now how's about we ditch the studying and watch a movie? Your choice.'

You already knew that he was going to pick either Batman or Star Wars so there was really no point in asking him but you did anyway.

'Okay let's see.... How about... Star Wars?' He asked.

'Okay then Obi Wan, let's do it!' You said.

Stiles shoved the DVD in the player and hit play. You ended up watching 3 in a row until it was time for you to go home.

Since Scott was captain of the school's lacrosse team you'd spend most of your time with Scott practising lacrosse but when you weren't you guys liked to do loads of things. Today since you had were both tired from practice you were reading your favourite book to him. You were currently reading him 'The Death Cure' and were getting closer and closer to [SPOILER] Newt's death.

'Someone's gonna die.' He said suddenly.

'Hey, how do you know? Lydia's the banshee not you!' You laughed trying not to give it away.

'I... Well... I don't know! I just have this feeling.' He said with furrowed brow.

'Okay now shush I'm reading.' You said and started up reading again.

You got the fateful part that made you cry for at least 3 hours straight. You had read it before though so you were going to be okay you thought.

'Please, Tommy, Please!' You read out and felt a tear roll down your cheek.

'Oh my god {y/n} are you okay?' Scott asked worried.

'Yeah I'm good, just little fangirl moment!' You shrugged it off and laughed.

'If you're sure.' Scott said. 'How's about we do something less depressing? Like watch play a video game?'

'Sure, bet I can beat you at anything!' You joked.

'Oh really?' Scott said and went to load up the games console.

You and Liam always had a ton of spare time to spend with each other. You'd do lots of stuff like practise lacrosse, watch a movie, go bowling and even just play video games. Today that's exactly what you were doing, playing video games.

You were beating him and you didn't even know how! You were just pressing random buttons on the controller and hoping for the best! Liam was getting annoyed at you.

'{y/n} how are you doing that? You don't even know how to play!' He sighed exasperatedly.

'I don't know I'm just pushing random buttons!' You answered truthfully with a smile on your face.

'And that's why you're my best friend!' Liam said and ruffled your hair.

You felt a blush creep up your next and into your cheeks.  'How's about be order some food?' You said trying to take your mind off it.

'Yeah sound like a great idea! Do I really have to ask what we're having?' Liam said.

'Pizza?' You said hopefully.

'Pizza.' He agreed and smirked.

'Right I'm going to keep practicing while you order!' You joked.

'Sure {y/n} but when I get back I'm sure there's one game that I can kick your ass at!' Liam told you.

'Alright game on!' You said as Liam walked out to get his phone so he could order the pizza.

You and Theo loved to do anything and everything. Sometimes you would go to the gym and work out together but today you were taking rest and had decided to go bowling. Theo was much taller than you so he always made fun of you when you couldn't reach the ball on the top shelf.

'Oh {y/n} what am I going to do with you?' He joked.

'You're going to help me get this down so I can beat your ass at this round!' You pouted. You were loosing but you'd won the game before this and you were playing best of three so you still had a chance to redeem yourself.

Theo smirked and handed you down the ball. 'Here you go shortie!' He laughed.

'Hrmph...' You sulked. You were going to beat him, you'd decided. You took the ball and swing backwards focussing on the middle pin.

'YES!' You shouted as you watched every single pin fall meaning you'd got a strike. You started dancing, you were doing your special victory dance that was only for special occasions.

'{y/n}, {y/n} stop!' Theo had collapsed onto the bench in a laughing fit.

'What?' You stopped dancing and asked innocently.

'Oh my god, why do I even hang out with you?' There were tears in his eyes as he continued to laugh hysterically.

'Because I'm your best friend.' You answered his question cheekily.

'Well you got that right!' Theo said still grinning. 'You want to go get some food?'

'Hell yeah!' You shouted and went over to help Theo up.

'Shall we?' He said holding out his arm to you.

You took his arm and you two headed off to get some food.


A/N: hope you enjoyed! Please leave me feedback and requests!!!

Happy Moonday!

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