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Arch calmly sat on the steps of the town hall. Emmer and Ellie sat with him. The three of them looked into the rising sun that was now approaching Remirda Town.

"It's been a long night." Arch mumbled.

"It has. But it's not over." Emmer said.

"What do you mean?" Ellie asked.

"There were four pods in that drawing that my dad made. We've only uncovered one of them. And that was located in the alleyway. There could be more out there."

There was a paused silence, and then Emmer spoke again.
"And I'm starting to think my dad escaped the disease. He might be out there. And we might have to find him."

"Fine," Arch said. "But we have all that to worry about later. For now, let's just be glad we're alive."

The three friends happily stared at the rising red sun. It shined on their faces quite dimly. The red sun represented a new morning for Arch, Emmer, and Ellie. But more importantly, it represented the start of their journey.

A journey that would be as memorable as the sun.

End of Book 1.

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