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Arch, Emmer, and Chandler now faced a dark alley. By the wall of the alley, was a messily spray painted word.
Green Alley.

"This must be where the Zaragost dwells." Emmer guessed.

"Could it be?" Chandler asked.

"I don't know. I'm just thinking."

The three of them heart wrenchingly continued walking. Deep into the dark alley.

Halfway into the alley, they began to smell something. A horrid stench.

"Smells like vinegar." Chandler remarked.

They walked several more steps until a shuffle shuffle started coming their way.

"Where is it coming from?" Arch whispered.

Then it showed itself. Two dark chubby figures that glowed in blue. They had red menacing eyes and droopy skin with yellow canines. They came chugging right up at them.

Seconds away from being clawed.

Chandler quickly shook his arm, allowing the hot energy to flow through him. Soon enough, tiny bolts of electricity was sizzling up on his hands.

Chandler held the electricity like a ball.
"Go without us Arch, we can handle this."

Arch turned to Emmer.
"Are you guys really okay with this?"

Emmer drawers out his butter knife.
"Go Arch, we'll be fine. It's Ellie who needs saving."

The blue Zaragost aliens struck at them but Chandler hit them back with his electricity ball.

"Go!!!" He ordered.

Arch, applying his wings, flew high up above the Zaragost and dipped past them. When he was at ground level again, he sprinted away like a child, leaving Emmer and Chandler behind.

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