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When they got back, a bunch of crowded people cheered for them.

"I can't believe they had gone in Green Alley!" One of them said.

"Yeah, they're like legends." Said this one girl named Cicily.

Hailey and a bunch of other girls from the hospital had been waiting for them.
"Are you guys okay?" She asked. "It must've been dangerous in there."

A girl named Emily walked out of Hailey's crowd.
"I think I can heal them," she said.

"You should probably start with Ellie if you are."

Emily walked up to Ellie and touched her on her wound. Her hands glew a bright orange when she contacted it.

"Done." Emily said.

"That was cool." Ellie said, looking down at her fixed wound.

Next was Chandler. Then Emmer. Then Damich, and finally Arch.

When everyone was healed, all the kids ran back into town, continuing their daily lives.

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