Chapter 5

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I woke up in my bed. How the heck did I get here? Last time I remembered I fell asleep at Harry's house. Maybe Harry or whoever dropped me off here. I looked at the time, and it was already 1 pm. Now that's the correct time I'm suppose to wake up on weekends. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages, and I read a message that Morgan sent me.

Morgan: Hey want to have a girls day out today at the mall or something?

I responding back with an okay. I went downstairs to ask my mom once again. I knew she was surprised on how much times I was asked to hang out. Morgan responded back saying to meet up with her at Starbucks at 1:45. I got dressed in my normal clothes, and I put on some light makeup on myself. I headed out of my house," Bye mom see you later." I walked out the door, and I decided to just walk since Starbucks wasn't so far away.

I was walked down the sidewalk and was only a few blocks away from Starbucks till' someone put their hands to cover my eyes. "I swear if you want something I can still give you just don't kidnap me." I said to whoever was covering my eyes. "Calm down it's just me." Niall chuckled. "Well sorry, I watch to much criminal tv shows." He chuckled again," So where you going?" He said walking with me. I swear he seems like a stalker. "Just going to Starbucks to meet Morgan." "Ooooh! Can I come! Pleaseee!" He whined at me giving me puppy eyes. "Urgh fine. It was suppose to be girls day out, but you're close to a girl anyways." I joked. "How rude!" He started to pout trying to make me "feel bad". I just chuckled on how childish he was.

We got to Starbucks, and there was Morgan sitting outside with two coffees on the table. "Oh my gosh Aubree, what's he doing here." Morgan said. "Oh sorry, do you mind another "girl" to join us. He stalked me." I chuckled a bit. "I did not." He pouted once again. I swear he reminded me of a kid I used to babysit which didn't go so well at all.

"Well okay you can hang out with us today, but if you want a coffee you're getting it yourself." Morgan said seriously. "Fine.." Niall muttered barely under his breathe. "So Aubree do you have money, so we can go shopping?" ..."Oh shoot I forgot. I knew I forgot something." We both turned to the singing and guitar playing. There was two people, the man was playing the guitar, and the girl singing. It just gave me an idea all of a sudden. "Hey Morgan..." I said smiling evil. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said nudging Morgan. She smiled back at me,"We go watch them sing and give them some money that we have left?" She said still smiling. I had a blank expression on my face. I slapped her arm. "Hey what was that for!" "I was thinking that we do the same thing they are doing when they leave. Maybe the audience lend money to us." She smiled once again.

"So why are you smiling evil?.." He said coming back with his coffee. "We made a plan to sing in public for money. We are totally broke." I said. "But we don't have a guitar?..." Niall said raising his eyebrows. Shiz.. should've brought my damn guitar with me. "Ugh, I guess I have to walk back to my house to get my guitar." I sighed loud. I didn't want to walk back, I'm lazy. "I can get my guitar instead. You two loves can stay here till' I come back." Thank you Niall! Saved by the bell, heck yea! "It-t oka-" "No I want too." He started to run off to his house to get his guitar. He was so sweet honestly, and I only knew him for like what? 4 days?

"He's sweet you know." Morgan said. I looked down to my feet and smiled,"Yeah he is." I started to blush a little I don't know why.


Niall and I sat on a bench right next to a fountain. Niall took his guitar and started to strum it and tune it for the song. "Wait what song are we going to sing?" I said. I totally forgot to pick a song to sing. "How about 'When I was your man' by Bruno Mars?" He said. "I love that song. You sir have a good taste of music." I put the guitar case on the ground and opened it, so people can put money in it, if they even will. "Wait what about Morgan. What is she going to do?" .. "Oh I'll just watch I'm not really a singing kind of person." I nodded my head. I guessed it will just be me and Niall. "Are you ready?" Niall asked me holding his guitar with his fingers at the right position on the strings.

"Ready" I smiled at him. He started to play the guitar, and people were already crowding around us. I started to sing the lyrics of the song."Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now..." I kept singing and people were already chipping in money in the guitar case. People had their phones, cameras, ipads, videoing us. I swear this better not end up on youtube. 

Niall strummed the last chords and we finally finished. People cheered and clapped, and some even asked for more songs. I looked at the guitar case which had tons of money in it already. Eh what the heck, I'm up to do more songs.


By now we already sang about five songs. "Okay guys, we have to get going now. Thank you so much for your donations, and for watching us." Niall, Morgan, and I waved at them and smiled. I heard many people awed. The crowd started to walk away, and we counted up the money. "Holy potatoes. Aubree..we got $137.50." Niall said with the same surprised expression as mine. "Damn, England people sure are rich. We should do this more often." We all laughed. It was true though. "What are we waiting for? LET'S SHOP!" Morgan said excitedly. "What about Niall. Would you really enjoy following us around to all these cosmetic, clothing, fashion, stores?" I said nudging him. "How about I just run away now, so I wouldn't be taken captive by you two." Niall said about to run for his life by the looks of it.

"Oh don't you dare! You helped us earn the money, so you sir are coming with us." I took his arm and dragged him with Morgan following my lead to the mall. Victoria Secret here I come!


So sorry I haven't been updating! I'll try to update more often! Anyways hope you liked this chapter :) I have exams coming up so ugh -.- Hope you like this chapter once again! Vote/Comment! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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