Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my phone that I setted for 7:00 am. Yes, I know so early since it's Saturday and there isn't school, but it's time for my revenge on Aubree. No one eats my food without permission even the lads know that. 

I got out of bed slowly and carefully so Aubree wouldn't wake up. Mission active. I went to the bathroom and got the toothpaste. I tiptoed to the kitchen and got the maple syrup. I went back to the room and searched for Aubree's hair brush. "Aha!" I whispered when I found the hair brush inside a drawer. 

I opened the hair brush exposing the inside of it. I quickly squeezed the syrup inside the hair brush and then the toothpaste, so when she ever decides to comb her hair it will go in her hair and make it sticky. She's a girl, and most girls hate it when their hair gets messed up.

She was a heavy sleeper that's for sure since I made so much noise. I placed the hair brush on her nightstand.

Mission #1: Completed.

I then went back to the kitchen and got whip cream and a marker on the counter. I went back up stairs and went back to the room. She was still sleeping peacefully. She won't be peaceful soon...

I grabbed the whipped cream can and sprayed it all around her pillow and in her hair. Then I sprayed the whip cream on her arms then down her legs and a mustache on her face. I grabbed the syrup bottle and squeezed the syrup all over her pillow, hair, arms, legs and face.

I them grabbed the marker and started drawing scribbles all over her face and outlined the outside of her lips. I made her eyebrows a uni-brow and drew a goatee along with a giant mole. I took the lipstick that I saw on her nightstand and spreaded it all over her lips. 

Mission #2: Completed.

I stepped back and looked at her fully. I wanted to break down laughing on the ground, but that would probably wake her up. 

I went back to the bathroom and filled a bucket of ice cold water. I took the whip cream and syrup and spreaded it all over the ground next to the bed, so if she falls off the bed, which she probably will, she will get all sticky again. I took the bucket of ice cold water and lifted it in the air. "1....2...3..." I whispered and I released the cold water all over her. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed and fell to the ground. YES!

Mission #3: Completed!

"OH MY GOD NIALL WHAT DID YOU DO." I started laughing so hard.  "I WOULD BE CHASING YOU RIGHT NOW, BUT I'M STUCK ON THE GROUND." I laughed harder. I was the king of revenge. What did she expect I would do? "Niall! Can you help meeee." She screamed trying to move, but she was so sticky she was stuck on the floor.

 "No, I'm not falling for your trick. If you don't get up by yourself, I'm getting ANOTHER bucket of cold water." I said smirking. "OMG NO! FINE!"

She struggled getting up, but she finally did. She stood up and smiled to me. An evil smile..."You're going to get it." She said and ran to me i darted to the door but fell to the ground. Damn it. The door was closed. She looked at me laying on the ground, and she sat on me. "GET YOUR BIG BUTT OFF ME." I yelled. She started tickling me everywhere. "Oh my god stop it omg." I said while laughing. 

I looked like a retarded walrus right now I just know it. "STOP PLEASE!" I yelled again. "If you don't apologize, I won't stop!" She said. "Ugh! I'm sorrryyyyy!" I said. She stopped and get off of my. She glared at me," I'm going to take a shower now." She said and walked out of the door. I looked at the floor and my bed.

"I didn't think about that." I sighed and started to clean up the mess.

I finished cleaning, and Aubree came out of the shower with a shower wrapped around her. She picked up her hair brush and started to brush her hair . Yep time to run. I ran out of the room and downstairs. "WHAT THE HELL IS IN MY HAIR NIALL!" She screamed. Oh god.. I ran downstairs and hid in a closet. "UGH NIALL! I JUST TOOK A SHOWER!"

I got tired in the closet and fell asleep.


Gosh. Niall wasn't lying when he said he will get me back. He got me back good too ugh. My phone vibrated.

HarryIshShexy: Heyyy, I'm bored. Wanna come to my house?

I laughed at his name. 

"Sure, right after I take a shower and get dressed."

I had to get my hair washed AGAIN since Niall put toothpaste and syrup inside my hair brush. I went back to the shower and scrubbed the syrup and toothpaste off which was hard to do.

I blow dried my hair and got dress in denim shorts, a white flowy top, and brown sandals. I put on light makeup as normal, and grabbed my phone and purse.

I walked out the door. I wonder where Niall went. Oh well. I walked down the block and saw Starbucks so I decided to get a coffee. 

"Hello what would you like?" A nice lady asked. "Mocha Frappuccino please" I said nicely. "Ok just a minute" She smiled and walked away. "Here you go, that will be $3.45" I nodded my head and grabbed five dollars and handed it to her. "Okay here's your change, have a nice day." She smiled, and I walked away.

I finally made it to Harry's house and saw him on his porch playing his guitar. Don't get me wrong, but he looked extremely attracted playing the guitar. "Hey Harry!" I said and walked up to his porch. "Aubreeeee." He co'oed and gave me a hug. "So what you doing." I said. "Just practicing for the x factor." (PICTURE OF HARRY PLAYING HIS GUITAR ON THE SIDE, ALSO HIS NEW ICON ON TWITTER HEHEHEHEHE x)

"And by the way why do you smell like syrup." He said. I chuckled,"Long story."

He started strumming his guitar.

"Isn't she lovely."

I couldn't help but sing along.

"Isn't she wonderful."

"Isn't she precious."

"Less than one minute old."

"I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she."

"But isn't she lovely made from love."

"Isn't she pretty truly the angel's best."

"Boy, I'm so happy we have been heaven blessed."

"I can't believe what God has done through us he's given life to one."

"But isn't she lovely made from love."

"Isn't she lovely."

"Life and love are the same."

"Life is Aisha."

"The meaning of her name Londie, it could have not been done."

"Without you who conceived the one that's so very lovely made from love."

He strummed the last chords. "You know you're really good at singing you know that." Harry said smiling. "Same to you." I smiled.

Want to go inside and watch some movies? I nodded my head and went inside his house. "How about....Grease?" I nodded my head smiling. I loved this movie even though I watched it a thousand times.

I laid down beside Harry with popcorn in the middle of us.

In the middle of the movie, Harry was already sleeping.  My eyelids started getting heavy, and I feel asleep too.



Omg thank you so much for almost 100,000 reads! That's amazing!!! I hope you like this chapter :) I'll update soon :) Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments! I do read your comments and messages btw x Byeeeeeesssss! Comment, Vote

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