New Girl

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Chapter 1 :

I put my pillow on my face and screamed when my loud alarm clock went off. It was 6:45 am, and my mom said I had to wake up "extra early" since it was my first day of school today. It was my first time sleeping in this new two story house I moved in yesterday. I was just laying in my bed for a while like I always do back in Australia till' my mom came in my room and yelled,"WAKE UP! It's your first day of school! Oh you're already awake." I sighed," Mom, do I really have to go to school today?" She nodded and said," Yes sweetie I already got your school uniform ready." 

She handed me the uniform, and she went back outside. I mumbled to myself," Eh, the uniform ain't that bad.." I put on a white blouse and buttoned it up, pulled up the tight skirt that went up above my knees slightly, and I tied the red tie around my neck. 

I headed inside my bathroom, and curled my hair a little at the ends of my brownish hair. I lightly powdered  on some blush on my cheeks, and I put on some mascara on my long eyelashes. I made the final touches  to myself when I looked at my alarm clock, and it was already 7:30 am. I groaned. It was my second day in England, and now I'm going to school today. I kept going on and on in my head thinking about how everyone is going to stare at me and probably no one is going to talk to me on my first day.

My mom walked in and said it was time to go. I took a quick glance at the mirror one more time and took my backpack and went to my mom's car.

We made it to my new school ' Wilmslow High School'. I was nervous and bored at the same time. My mom kissed me in the forehead and said," Good luck sweetie. See you later!." I groaned again and went inside the school. Of course people were staring at me, that's what you get for being a new girl. I went up to the principal to ask what locker number was I. She lead me to the locker, and I opened it and stacked my books in the locker.

I was putting some of my stuff in my locker till' a girl came up to the locker next to me. She smiled at me and said," Are you a new kid? I never seen you before. My name is Morgan what's yours?" I smiled back," My name is Aubree just moved to England yesterday." She nodded and smiled at me," Nice name. Can I see your list of classes your going to." I handed her the piece of paper with my classes I was suppose to go too. She squealed," YES! I have the same classes as you." 

I smiled weakly. She kinda creeped me out a bit with her hyper attitude. What am I saying I'm hyper as her when I'm in a good mood. The bell rang, and she gestured me to follow her. I went inside the classroom and sat in a seat. A hot guy came up to me, curly brown hair, tall stature, with a gorgeous smile I ever seen. "Oh hey, this is my seat," the tall guy said to me, but I kept on staring at his gorgeous green eyes. I kept staring till' Morgan snapped me out of my trance,"Oh uh sorry..." Ugh really Aubree, I'm not usually nervous oh cmon'. I went to sit next to Morgan.

Morgan nudged me and said," Did you just realize who you just talked to? That's Harry Styles for crying out loud! He's like one of the hottest guys in school." I knew that Harry heard her since he smirked and winked at me. My cheeks stared to heat up and turned red. "Oh shiz Harry heard me didn't he." I nodded as I chuckled a bit. 

A lady came in the classroom which I think was the teacher. She said in a sweet voice," Hello class. We have a new student today." She pointed at me while everyone started to stare at me." This is Aubree Osborne. Please make her feel welcome." Harry mumbled saying,"Oh we will make her feel welcome that's for sure." I started to blush once again. 

I knew this was for sure going to be an awkward day. I wonder if Harry had any friends. Oh my that would be like heaven. Fingers crossed.


I hope you liked my first chapter :D I'm still doing Forever and Always book, but I just felt like making another book to write also xD Anyways hope you like it so far ^_^ xD Byeeeeeeeee :3 Cast of the book is on the side ---->

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