At the head of the table is Tran, who sits with his head high, despite our stares. Next to him is Kendi, his chief adviser at the moment. I figured she needed a promotion after what she went through for us. 

And I didn't want the job anyways, I'm swamped the way it is. 

I my smile grows, feeling at peace for what will probably be the only moment I'll get today. After Adriana fell, we as a group felt that it would be best Tran rule. He's been trained since he was a child to be King, and is definitely the right fit for the job, or at least the perfect one to look like he's in charge. 

The Underground is still working in the background, just like it always has been, and always will be; to keep the people with powers like ours safe. As soon as things at the castle are wrapped up, we'll fade into the background of time, with a meeting a month, we'll still see each other; but for the most part it's all on Tran now. 

"How're the refugees doing?" He asks, not wasting any time on formalities. 

"I've been able to relocate most of them to new homes," Says Fira, and Leila nods. "But they need time to adjust, they were kidnapped and most were traumatized after all. When we're released from the castle, I'm going to move around the Kingdom, checking in on them every once in awhile to make sure they stay safe." 

"I'm going to go with her," Leila says with a shrug. "I'm taking the northern regions, and Fira has the southern. Between the two of us, we should be able to make sure nobody else gets hurt." 

Tran nods, turning to me and Len. "And the repairs?" 

"They're coming along nicely, along with the redecorating." Answers Len, and I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes. 

"I'm also done with paintings and reciting the battle." I say, holding up a hand at Tran as he begins to open his mouth again. "I'm not doing anymore. If they want the story they can ask you; and if they want another painting they can use one of the others for reference. I don't care." 

"I was actually going to suggest you take the day off." He says, surprised. "You've been working hard. Go for a ride and come back later tonight." 

"Really?" I ask, almost thinking it's too good to be true. Tran nods, and Leila looks satisfied. "Alright. I'll be back later tonight then." I stand, almost knocking over my chair in my eagerness to get out. Fira remains stoic, but I don't care. She doesn't bother me anymore, and while we aren't exactly friends, Leila still considers her a friend, and I can't bring myself to tell her what lengths Fira went to to save her. 

I can't ruin their friendship like that, but Fira can't forgive herself, and neither can I, not yet. Kendi gives me a small wave as I leave, and I wave back. She was, thankfully, able to survive Elisabet and Kahn on her own, both of which are in the dungeon with broken arms; I hope to never see her bad side, since I plan on keeping my bones intact for a long time to come. 

Outside, a horse is already saddled for me, and I hop on, not even stopping to wonder how they got it ready before anybody knew I was coming. Tran must've known I would leap at a way to escape the castle for awhile. There's a screech from inside the stables, and Cynthia comes sprinting out, hay sticking out of her hair at all sorts of angles. 

Her new face still looks strange to me, a skinny older woman with brown hair and a maids apron. She was with the servants, but never actually woke up. Since Cynthia was on the verge of death, and had been cheated of trying to make things right, we cast the body changing spell one last time, before destroying any record of it from existence. Nobody should ever be able to have that sort of power over others. 

Cynthia was a new person, or at least she was trying to be. The maid's life wasn't an easy one, no matter how determined you were to redeem yourself to others. 

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