Chapter 8

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          “So Suzanne, you ready?” I ask her as we are sitting down on my bed. We got back from the market about an hour ago and have been sitting on my bed goofing around since. We haven’t actually made a plan on how we are going to sneak out, so I guess we’ll just wing it.

          She grins as her hands rest on her legs. “You bet I am. I’m going to meet a freaking human! Of course I’m ready!” She slightly yells and raises her arms.

          I smile and stick my tongue out at her. “Be quiet,” I whisper. “We can’t let my parents over hear us.”

          She nods. “Right,” she says, leaning in close to me with her pointer finger on her lips. “Shhh…”

          I crack up laughing at her movements as she is just too damn funny. Her eyes are looking right at me and as she leans in closer, she’s moving her body side to side.

          Once I’m done laughing I look at her, but avoid eye contact, afraid of bursting into fits of laughter again. “Okay, so Suzanne, stop.” Suzanne leans back and looks at me. I then continue. “Let’s go now before it gets dark, or we won’t be able to make are way there.”

          Suzanne nods. “Okay then, let’s go.”

          Slowly, we get off my bed and creep out of my room. I go into the room where my ant is and take it out.

          “Come on,” I whisper to it. “Come on little guy,” I say.

          “You still haven’t named her?” Suzanne asks from behind me.

          I turn around and look at her. “How do you know it’s a girl?” I ask.

          Suzanne looks at me as if I’m supposed to know that. Instead I continue to blankly stare at her. She then sighs. “Annie, I took a whole entire years class on how to learn to ride ants. I learned how to tell the differences between a male and female, and that’s obviously a female. Just look at it.”

          I look at my ant. “Uh…I don’t see any difference.”

          “And name your ant, it’ll make your bond closer so she won’t get you lost next time you use her.” Suzanne says.

          “Um…I’ll call her Anty then.” I say.

          “Seriously? You’re going to call her that? How about you name your first child Kidogoie while you’re at it,” she says.

         I duck my head and blush with embarrassment. She doesn’t have to be so harsh…

          “Fine, I’ll call her Suzanne is a dumbass.” I say.

          “How dare you! I am not dumb!” she yells and playfully slaps my arm.

          I crack up laughing. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just kidding. I guess I’ll call her…Slash. Yeah, that sounds cool.”

          “Okay then, let’s get going. We are wasting time.” Suzanne says and walks past me.

          I nod and start pulling on my ant’s— no, Slash’s leash, leading her out of her room. I follow Suzanne and we slip out the front door and head on outside.

          The market is crowded so no one will notice us as we sneak past. We’ll probably just blend right in. “Come on,” I whisper to Suzanne. “Let’s hurry on out of here before we get caught.”

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