"They made a bet" Hood says chewing some chips he brought along "And I'm very sure Luke will lose" 

"Why'd you say it?" Ashton asks

"Because he hasn't been with a girl since she showed up, this means one thing" he pauses to be dramatic "He has feelings for her"

"Bullshit" I call it 

"Do not lie to your mates, it's bro code" Cal rolls his eyes 

"I don't have feelings for her" I say it out loud knowing I'm lying 

"If you have one feeling it's game over" Ashton says while watching the girls from far. They're walking away and even if I try to look to another girl my eyes go straight to Liza

How am I supposed to get laid when all I think about is her? 

Liza's POV

"So I've been eyeing Calum since year one" Kira says blushing "He had never payed attention in me because I'm Luke's sister and well, Luke is very jealous I bet he'd never allow his friend to take his sister on a date"

"Don't let Luke get in the way" I say simply "If you like Calum go for it, don't bother with Luke not liking the idea, it's not his life"

"It's not that simple" she looks down "I mean, I'd be more brave if I knew Calum's feeling, I can't risk it all and end up in the friendzone because he doesn't feel the same"

"You could drop some hints" I smile "Little signs that he can make a move"


"Next time you two are talking laugh at his stupid jokes and tell him how funny he is then touch his arm" I smile and touch her arm to show her how it's done "It's simple but effective"

"I don't know, Liza" she bites her lips 

"Just be brave" I give her a hug "Let's go back before your brother starts to hunt us down"

We join the boys and carry a small talk, after a bit I feel like leaving. Everyone wants to get into the water but I don't want to take my shorts off. I tell Luke I'm feeling tired and he agrees, telling everyone we're leaving. 

On the way back home he places his hand on my thigh like he always does and I stare him. He looks so focussed on the road, his jawline is sharp and sexy, his mouth is pink and fresh, his sunglasses are hung perfectly on his face like they were handmade

"You're staring me" he mutters squeezing his hand on my thigh

"Is that wrong?" I lick my lips and place a hand on his thigh

"Don't tease me, Liza" he warns me but I'm already in the mood 

My hand climbs up his thigh and he shifts in his seat. I don't break eye contact and move my small hand to above his bulge. He sighs deeply and bites his lower lip.

"Liza..." it comes out as an warn but its sexy 

"Lucas" I tease 

I feel himself under my hand growing hard. Luke clenched his jaw when I pressed my palm over him.

"Fucking hell" his knuckles are white on the steering wheel "We're almost home, please" he begs

I smile and kiss his cheek

"Just because you begged" I take my hand off him and rest it over his hand on my thigh.

Shortly we reach my home, Gammy had texted me a while back saying she's taking Zoe to the mall. Luke rushes out of the car and picks me up, throwing my body over his back. 

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