I Found || Find Me

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"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."


"Fuck you outerspace and the Arc!" Arva shouted at the top of her lungs. She shoved all her items into her bag before walking through the forest. She carefully watched her step, not wanting to trip. She was only wearing her tank-top and her space shorts. The girl admired how the tree tops touched the sky and the ample shades of green. Arva couldn't believe that she was the only person to experience this amazing world.

Well, at least that's what Arva thought.

Before Arva could take another breath of air, she felt a sudden knocking sensation in her forehead, before she passed out. 

She woke up, with her hands tied to two different poles. Her body hung there. Her arms were in excruciating pain, along with the first of her body. Arva slowly gained consciousness, she turned her head around in confusion, unaware of where she is. She saw a group of men and women, some on horses and some on feet. They wear fur clothing, along with leather or jeans. Her eyes widened, she tried to move around, but her wrist started to burn. She gasped in pain, unaware of what to do.

"Who are you?" A lady shouted from the horse. She noticed all their armor is from bones, leather, wood, or metal.

"I am Arva, I'm from outer-space. I crashed here and then I was knocked out. I mean no harm--I was sent here for punishment, to survive without any supplies until I find them." Arva shouted back, in a strong voice. The lady kept a straight face. She had high cheekbones and she had dark makeup surrounding her eyes. She stayed silent as Arva looked around, noticing arrows at being aimed at her.

"Drop your weapons and untie her, but bring her with me." She ordered people. They didn't show any mercy as they just dropped her. Arva glanced down at her body, seeing slash marks everywhere. Her wrist were blistering and bubbling. She pulled herself off the ground. The Grounders grabbed her by the shoulder, walking her behind the lady. They threw Arva into a cave.

"Arva, the Sky Person, we will heal you, then we will test you. If you survive, we will gain your trust. If you die, you die. We will give you clothing, only three pairs and meat that should last you a month. You must not attack our people, if you do we will kill you. If our healer dies or needs healing themselves, you must help us. If one of them dies, you die." The girl gave commands to Arva in the face. She nodded her head vigorously, showing that she understood the lady.

The lady handed her the medicine. Arva started to clean her cuts and rubbing the liquid on her cuts, along with her wrist. She sucked in her breath, dealing with the burning sensation. She glanced up as she notice the lady is holding out her hand. "Take this medicine everyday, once you run out. Come back, we will give you more. If you lose it, have fun surviving Earth. "

"What's wrong with me?" Arva asked, but she just shook her head.

"Nothing, yet. Hopefully I'll see you soon." She said, before making a loud crashing sound. Arva then realized her surroundings, she was in a cave. She slowly walked down, up against the wall. Her body froze when she saw a whole bunch of these cavemen. She tried to walk backwards, but she slammed back into a body. She turns around, to see a monster. She gasped as she saw this man filled with piercing and chains in his face. She quickly ran away, taking a sharp turn into another cave. Her legs picked up speed, although she felt like she was going to lose them in a few minutes.

Her heart was pounding and her head is stinging. Her body wasn't meant for this type of torture. Sweat was racing down her face. She can hear more people follow her. She let out a sob, as she ran. As she got closer near the light, she tried to pick up her pace. She could see the trees, the beautiful green trees. She tripped on the wooden track, causing her body to tumbled down the tracks. She felt gravity pulling her body down. She grabbed onto the ledge.

Arva was dangling off a cliff. Beneath her is a long drop until the crystal blue water. She sucked her breath in, hoping those monsters will stop following her.

A girl could only dream.

They looked down over the ledge, grinning at their next meal. The man was about to grab her hand. If this was the way Arva wanted to die, it wouldn't be dying from monstrous men. She closed her eyes, letting go of the ledge. The long fall almost made her feel like she was flying. She thought about the baby she just lost and how she'd see her soon. She thought about Bellamy and his freckle face. How cute he looked when he would smile, how it'd light up the room.

Her body collided with the water, her body submerging. She swung her arms everywhere, pulling herself up to the surface of the water. Her back ached and her head was even worse. Her head was barely above water, gasping for arm. Before the girl knew it, something yankee her body back down under the water. Arva slashed around, hitting whatever was sinking it's teeth into her leg. It was a slimy creature, she realized that when it was thrashing against her side. She finally kicked the thing with her other leg and it let go. Arva swam to the shore, breathing heavily. She coughed up water, gasping for air.

The girl stared up at the sky, realizing that the colors were fading away. She closed her eyes, digging her hands into the mud. Arva finally caught up on her breathing, before pulling herself off the ground. Arva pulled out of the cup that the woman gave her, full of liquid. She opened the lid slowly before she took a huge sip out of it. Arva slipped out a picture of the ultrasound of the baby and slipped it into the bottle.

She stared up into the sky.

"I hope you'll find me soon, Bellamy."


Arva waked up, glancing around realizing that she wasn't in her car. She is tied down to a car. She thrashed around, trying to escape.

"Why is she awake?" Someone shouted, Arva glanced up to see the woman in a blue suit holding a clipboard. Arva's eyes narrowed, but suddenly she felt her body drift off asleep.

I Found || Bellamy Blake ||  DiscontinuedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant