Chapter 18

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**Leilani's P.O.V**

It's been a month since my siblings moved in and Jessica and Shawn both have Jobs at Starbucks 😂 and they are pretty close I'd say like he has came over every 3 days because Jessica is on the cheerleader team and Justin and Sophie both have jobs at the Mall and there close I'd say and my tour got cancelled for another 8 weeks my manager has someone else to go to concerts to like Taylor swift so yeah I'm good but and Zac and Kendall are dating! I'm so happy for her and Mason has a lot of friends he's doing great he's not as shy anymore! and I'm going to see if Justin and Jessica wants to go back to North Carolina for 2 weeks because Nash's birthday is in 3 weeks he invited me and Justin ,Justin Jessica he said were allowed to invite people like one person each though I'm going to go of course! So right now it's Friday and I'm picking up Justin and Jessica and For some reason I keep on getting 500000 dollars every week it might be from my dad or my career I dot know which one but I'm fine with it 😂 so last week I donated 20000 dollars to Justin's school and I donated 30000 dollars to the sick kids in L.A and I get called weekly to go see sick kids in the hospital and I'm in the magazines on the front page of almost every magazine so I went last week to go see a sick kid and I just got a call that I had to go to New York for 3 days to see sick kids in everyday each kid in New York when I'm there each kid will get to see me for one hour and my first lido see is at 7 am and I'm done at 9 pm so I'm so excited to see them! So I am leaving on Sunday evening and after New York it's time for Toronto and after that Saskatchewan and Calgary and then home so I'll be gone for at least 2 weeks so I bought Jessica and Justin a car and Justin and Justice have been building Mason a tree house so he has a tree house so I bought Justin a Black and red mustang an Jessica a Lamborghini it's blue and purple! Well she has one
and I have a purple and black Lamborghini so 😏 and once they get home there going to flip out so the bell rang and Justin's and Jessica's friends surrounding them as usual so I wait and Justin asked me

"Leilani could Sophie camp?


I thought about it for a minute and I said


"Okay thanks mom I mean Leilani

I literally teared up once he called me mom..

"It's okay

"Lele are you okay?

"Yeah I'm fine

And once Jessica came she said

"So umm could Shawn camp?


"Okay come on in

And after a while Mason's friend is going to camp so yeas we drove home and everyone was talking about there day and I said

"So umm guys I have a surprise for all of you when you get home

"Really what is it?

"You'll see..

"So umm do you guys want to come with me to North Carolina for a week?

"What when why?

"Calm down Jessica Nash's birthday is coming up and he invited us to come to his party he said we could invite anyone who we know and only one person so you guys want I come and we leave in 3 weeks and you'll be bringing your homework so fuck off guys your still doing work 😂😂

"I'm down Shawn will you be able to come?

"I could ask..



"Sophie are you allowed?

"I could ask...

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