Next morning....

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**Leilani's P.O.V AND THOUGHTS**

I woke up on someone's bed someone was hugging me and my leg was on them and I opened my eyes and it wad Kendell ohh god please not again she woke up ugh what happened last night she said turning on her back I remember dancing towards you with a bottle of captain Morgan and we drank it and we walked to my house and I can't remember wait are we naked I hope not I took off the covers and I was in my bra and underwear I'm half naked what about you I asked

"Same I'm half naked so it's all good I got up and looked for my clothes were are my clothes I asked she got up and said I don't know wait didn't you wear a dress ohh yeah ok let's look for it she said ohh yeah you have a nice body she was looking at me shut up and you too

We laughed and we continued looking for my dress when someone walked in the room they said whoa Kendell who is the chick with the nice booty I turned around and it was her sister Kylie Jenner se is super pretty umm hi in Leilani grey ohh hi I'm Kylie cool what are you girls looking for a purple dress I covered back up with the blanket Kendall look you made her embarrassed I laughed ahaha I'm not embarrassed it's just your door is open when who knows could see me ohh it's fine she grabbed my hand and pulled me up umm I think I found your dress Kylie said its covered in puke gross I am so Sorry it's fine I said it was probably mine well let's find out Kylie said we have cameras in every room and boom Her sisters Kim Courtney came in I jumped under the blankets hi I'm Leilani grey ohh hey I know you your dad is Jason grey he is super rich he's like a billionaire wow hi so what are you doing half naked in my little sister's room? Kendell said well long story short we got drunk last night and woke up half naked WHAT they all burst out laughing that's hilarious I stand up and said so Kendell could we see the video or something cause I can't just stay in your room half naked all day of course ok so they shut the door and we watched the video and it was me and Kendell walking in the house trying to be quite but we were walking up stairs when Kendell told me to stay and be quiet and I said sssh and she walked up stairs to see if her parents were a wake and I tried to take a step but I fell and bumped into the wall an I still said sshh we were laughing at the tape and then we ran into her room holding hands and I said I tried oh ink I'm going to bed and I took off my shoes and Kendell said wait I'll lend you some pjs ok I said and as she was walking to her closet she tripped it was hilarious and she got me some pjs and she said I don't know where my closet is and she said hold this dress is killing me it's to long she took off her dress and put it by the bathroom and she said take off your dress so we could get pjs so I took mine off and we put them by the bathroom and Kendell said ok let's look for my closet and we were looking for it and then I just fell and Kendell tried helping me up and se just ended up falling on me and we were laughing and we helped each other up and Kendell said wait i think the closet is over there she walked towards the bathroom and I walked beside her and she tripped shhh I said she said help me up I help her up and she hugged me and she kissed me I kissed back and then she said your like a really good friend it's like right when we met its like I new you so if we continue our friendship we could be like sisters how close we are Kendell said yeah I know that would be awesome if we could be like best friends we both said and we looked in the bathroom and then Kendell Hugged me again she ended up puking on me and then my dress aww yuck I said and then she was puking like crazy I grabbed a towel and washed off my back and she was still puking and then I came up behind her an I was holding we had up while she was puking and after she was done I helped we wash off her face and I gave her some water and a breathe mint and we just ended up going to sleep after the tape was over Kim said you better get 3 copies of that cause that is fucking hilarious I want one aNd Leilani thanks for helping Kendell is fine I always help my friends but I got up and said so could you lend me some clothes of course and Kim Courtney And Kylie they all ran towards me holy crap who did your surgery for you I love your body your boobs are amazing and your ass is flawless and your face and you hair and your so skinny I laughed wait your serious I asked yeah they said umm it's all really you are like flawless they said how did you get your ass that big umm squats I said ohh and you hair its natural I just curled it whoa and your boobs i don't know about those they just grew I guess lucky but yeah your flawless please if anyone flawless it's Kendell she is beautiful like is she even wearing makeup she even makes me feel bad about my self I half laughed and they all said yeah we'll see ya and keep your body beautiful they walked out and Kendal shut the door and she went into her closet and got me booty shorts and a pink crop top that said ily and I put them on and she hopped back in bed and I was like ugh I'm so tired I said do you want to stay for a while? she said sure I said ok good she said come on we could go back to sleep sure I said jumping in bed we bed is like so comfy I covered up and I got a text from Selena

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