The break up

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**Leilani's P.O.V**

It's been a wild 4 days but I'm sad to say my family is leaving today and I don't want them to leave but they all are moving on in life they're leaving in in 10 minutes and I have to say goodbye😭.
Cory hugged me thanks sis I love so much maybe I'll come visit you soon he hugged me and everyone said bye and they left so soon I felt like crying but I didn't because they will be back soon or something they left in a flash it was just me and Kendall and Justin again so I decided to call Matt.... as usual no answer when he's gone any time he's around he answers I hate this it's like he's cheating on me or something I had the ideas of spying on him but I didn't know where he was so I kept on calling and calling I won't stop until someone answers I kept on and kept on I was in the basement of the and Justin was watching a movie and Kendall was getting Starbucks and Justin came downstairs and said worry much?

"Yeah I'm worried he's been dogging my calls in trying to talk to him he's ignoring me for some reason I said

"Relax you have nothing to be worried about he must be dumb enough to cheat on you your amazing you have a great body a beautiful face your perfect your everything a guy wants in a girl so it's ok plus why would someone cheat on you your perfect

"I smiled thanks Justin but I still have to check up on him I called him he answered

L- I want you I want everything you promised me Matt!!

M- well what if I can't get you every thing you want just stop calling me I'll see you tomorrow!!!!!!

And he hung up I was worried about stuff like between me and Matt so I went to bed. I woke up the next morning and everyone was still sleeping and I made breakfast and I ate and they woke up me and Kendall slept in the same bed and Justin slept in his room and I made bacon and eggs and toast for us I ate some and Justin and Kendall came downstairs to eat and I went up stairs and I changed into white jeans and a black shirt and a white sweater since it's going to rain today so I went downstairs and I said I was going for a walk to think about stuff ok stay safe Kendall and Justin said I walked out and started walking to Starbucks and I had some coffee and on my way home someone took me to Allie and started beating me up it was a girl and she stopped and ran away I saw Matt and he said

"Hey my beautiful babe how are you wait let me talk ok he said so I want you to know I will always love you you will always be in my heart just please don't do anything stupid I love you so much but it's for the best I am bad for you. We are over... you have a great body and you are an amazing person and you are perfect but you see this other beautiful girl that just beat you up she's your replacement so yeah

"Please don't leave M-M-M-E-E-E you are my everything I need you please Matt I had tears streaming down my face please don't leave me I have you your the reason why I'm still alive your the reason I didn't kill my self on my move away party 10 months ago remember the first day we met you complement me at Nash's door what happened to the guy who used to write down what to say what to do with me you were the perfect boyfriend and you've turned into a horrible person please just go back to the amazing guy I met on April 15 at 12:30am please Matthew please don't leave me we've been through so much together please I won't give up on us but please stay with me you are my everything please DONT LEAVE ME I CANT HANDLE BEING ALONE YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING YOU ARE MY LIFE please don't leave me me please Matthew don't do this to me I love you

"I'm sorry Leilani but the old me got lost along time ago I'm breaking up with you I know this might hurt you but I love someone else the girl kicked me in the face and she started kicking and punching me and Matt pulled her off me and he said

"I love you

"Please do leave me-e you are my everything please Matt don't do this I love you.......

"I love you but it's for the best
He touched my cheek and kissed me the girl got jealous and she kicked me in the stomach good bye I love you

"If you love me why are you leaving me why are you getting your girlfriend to beat me up huh huh

"Because Leilani Im not right for you and I belong to someone else I've been with this girl for 4 months every time I went away was too see her sorry I'm leaving you for her but she means more to me than you

"So what if I'm pregnant and your the father would you still Leave me huh leave me with your baby?

"Your pregnant!!!

"No you jack ass what if I was would you leave me

"No no of course not but listen we are n ok so we got to go

"Please don't leave me my mascara was streaming down my face and I could barely breathe I started to take deep breaths and I started feeling dizzy while Matt was talking to me all I could say was please don't leave me and then his girlfriend started stomping on my face and she started kicking me and punching me I could barely see and I couldn't breathe my fingers started to cramp up and I was breathing fast Matt had a scared look on his face I did this please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me please don't leave me

"What's happening are you okay?

"Please don't leave me!!!! I think it's my anxiety I'm having an anxiety attack please don't leave me your my everything you are my medicine please don't leave me!!!!!!

"I'm sorry Leilani but I'm scared for you beat her the girl started beating me up it hurt a lot I couldn't breathe at all I remember breathing really fast and Matt and his girlfriend left I was still breathing fast I was in a Allie and I was laying down hurt trying to move and I was breathing fast I couldn't talk or yell for help because of how hurt and shocked I was from my 10 months 3 weeks and 5 days relationship just ended I was having an anxiety attack sooner I know everything went black....

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