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**Leilani's P.O.V**

It's been a week since me and Matt broke up and I'm leaving for Tour in 2 hours I'm laying down on the couch with Kendall and Selena and Kylie Justin was laying on the other couch I got up and went into the backyard laid down on the lawn chair by the pool and I felt something hit my face it was freezing and hard I took it off as looked around too see Matt and 3 girls laughing in Matt's backyard

"Really just move you fucking tool he's a cheater and he's dating your sister I yelled at the girl in a pink bikini what she yelled at Matt I laughed and went inside to wipe my face off and I went Into the bathroom and of course the girls followed me and I climbed up on the roof and laid down Kendall

"said what's wrong ?

"I hate him, I hate him it feels like I'm never going to be happy again and every day it just gets worse and worse I can't miss him anymore I don't want to please just make the pain stop please I can't do this anymore I went inside and grabbed a blade and went into Justin's room and climbed on the roof and started cutting it was horrible once you start you can't stop it's hard I just laid there letting the blood drip everyone was looking for me when Justin followed my blood drips and he climbed up and he sat down next to me

"Leilani what did you do to your arms why Leilani why...

"Matt because of Matt he is such an asshole what happened to the old him I miss the old him but fuck him hey I could date anyone I want now but still I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM IT FEELS LIKE IM NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY AGAIN AND EVERY DAY IT JUST GETS WORSE AND WORSE I CANT MISS HIM ANYMORE NO I DONT WANT TO.

"Leilani it's going to be okay I promise he climbed down and went into the house and grabbed 2 egg cartons and he grabbed my hand and took me into the bathroom ad he washed my arms as we egged his house and it was covered in egg yoke and we grabbed our bags and left the house all of us went to the bus station because that's where our tour bus is it says on it Leilani Grey on tour hoe awesome is that! We drove to the bus and basically left in the bus my first concert is in North Carolina, of course I get too see my friends there and the plan is I'm going to put on a huge swear and walk around and ask some people if they are going to the concert and if they don't have any tickets I'll give them some and I'm going to give someone a Vip ticket for meeting me so the concert is in 3 days and I have 3 songs with Selena and 2 songs with Justin and yeah this album is about my break up but my next album is going to be about friendship so we just got in our bus and we have bunk beds and I want the bottom one and there are 4 beds and are bus driver is a guy named John Carradine and guess what Justice Carradine is coming too so I'll get to know him and my manager is Selena's manager Bradford Cobb he is awesome so we are driving and we all put our stuff away and I'm talking to Justice he has amazing voice like whoa and he's kinda cute he's younger than me like 3 years 😂 his dad home schools him and yeah he's a great kid he's taller than me 😂😒 and I guess I'm just chilling with justice and Nina the others are sleeping already and I'm getting tired 2 people get to share a bed in the back and I guess me and Nina have to share I would choose Kendall but she is a bed hog and no an plus Nina is a a good person too sleep with I am getting tired so I going to sleep too

"Well goodnight guys I'm going to bed Love ya I said to Nina

"Yeah me too I'm going to bed night justice we both said kissed Kendall on the cheek goodnight baby girl she slapped me

"Yeah yeah I feel the love and hugged Selena and kissed her forehead and she hugged me back and I kissed Kylie on the cheek night gals and I walked toward Justin and hugged him your a great friend and as I walked away and went into the room and changed into shorts and a tee and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun and got covered up and laid down and Nina came in the room and changed I to shorts in a tee and jumped on the bed and covered up and shut off the light it was only 1 in the morning so I started talking and we were talking about the Vampire diaries and we have too go back in 2 weeks so we can be in the episode and I fell asleep talking about life and how things changed since I saw my dad I was a normal girl until I can to L.A and I fell asleep. I woke up from someone hugging me tight I turned around it was Nina she was sweating and squeezing me I woke her up thank you for waking me up I was having a nightmare, Yeah your welcome I got up and walked out of the room and Kendall was on her phone she was the only one awake android plus we just pulled up in North Carolina and we are at a huge Hotel the driver looks tired asf so we woke up everyone and we carried our stuff up to our rooms I had too share with Nina,Kendall Kylie and Selena the guys shared a room we got sweats and we put our stuff away and we got dressed up I put on high waisted shorts and a white plain crop top and I curled my hair and did my makeup put on my blue flats and we all were ready we were just going to meet some fans and go to my moms house for a while Justin came to our room and we went downstairs and justice came with us
To hang out we went downstairs and there were people everywhere it was hard too get to the car and there were cameras flashing in our faces it and fans screaming and crying I signed a couple of stuff and we went to the car and drove to my house and my mom wasn't home she was gone for a few weeks and cory was gone some where and it was Justin and Jessica home with there friends they were having a party like a huge party I went inside and I stopped the music and the lights turned on I said Justin and Jessica could I talk to you guys and everyone came running towards us and started cheering and Justin came to me and the music started and the lights turned off and we went outside and I asked him what he was doing

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