SanJyuu-Kyuu ~ Enemies again?

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39- Enemies again?

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They now had a week left until their project was over.

In other words, Sasuke and Sayuri are now on Day 23. Nothing much had happened the past two days. You can say that they've been acting as lazy as Shikamaru. And only once had Itachi began to yell at them, telling them to at least get out of their rooms.

It was now five in the evening. And what were the two doing? They were in the guest room. Sayuri was lying down on the bed and was in the middle of reading a sci-fi book, and Sasuke was sitting beside the window, watching as the hue of the sky began to change to a faint red. Neither of them said anything. They just carried on to whatever activity they were engaged into. Some may think it's boring, but they were pretty into what they were doing.

Finally, what seemed like hours of not talking to each other, Sasuke began to speak. "Hey."

Sayuri looks up from her book. "Hm?"

"I want to ask you something,"

She places a book mark on the page of the book and shuts it, placing it beside her as she sat up. Sayuri holds her knees closer to her chest as she locked her gaze on Sasuke. "Go ahead."

Sasuke was unsure if he should bring up what got them into the whole mess last week. He mentally cursed at himself. I should have thought of this earlier, he thought. He sighed. "If Kiba wasn't the reason of your depression," he pauses, trying to avoid getting words stuck in his throat. "then... what was the real reason?"

She froze. She turns her head slightly, breaking her gaze on Sasuke. She was now unsure herself whether she should tell him. She huffed. He would probably laugh at the reason. "Because..."

That caught his attention. "Because?"

"Just because..." She sighed.

He scoffed. He turns his head and looks away from her. "You can't be serious. You can't be sucked into depression without a good reason, or no reason at all," Sayuri bows her head down and lets her hair fall over her face. She felt guilty for not telling him, but her mood changed as soon as she took in what he had just told her afterwards.

"You're becoming a drama queen who fishes for attention and such."

There. Right there, her head had shot up and her mouth had dropped. She was outraged at his sudden remark. She couldn't even finish her last thought. Sayuri instead let her mouth speak for her. "What?"

He looks at her from the corner of his eyes. "You heard me." The duck-butt added a smirk to this response.

"I-I can't even..." Sayuri was at a loss of words. She was literally shaking; it was even obvious. She secretly hyperventilated to calm herself. There was really no point on her doing that. She would start shouting at him either way.

That was what caught Sasuke off-guard.

"I can't believe you even had the guts to say that!" She finally let out.

Sasuke was stunned at her sudden action. He stood up quickly, staring down at her angry form. "What? You wouldn't answer me with a reason. Why wouldn't I say that?"

She huffed. "I thought we were friends here!" She too stood up and was now standing directly in front of Sasuke. Her head was tilted up slightly to reach his gaze. "I was going to tell you the reason why I was upset until you suddenly, out of nowhere, called me an attention-"

"Then why were you so hesitant on telling me?" Sasuke was right on time, too. He didn't want to hear Sayuri curse.

"You'd probably think it was a stupid reason for me to get into depression."

"At least it would be better than having no reason." He retorted.

She takes one step away from him and looks down as she holds her upper left arm with her hand. "A few weeks back, I told Itachi about me wanting so badly to have a sibling, since I'm an only child. When we got into the fight over the cinnamon challenge, my mother called me over to my house where she and my father told me that she was expecting a baby. You can't even imagine how happy I was to know that I was getting a little brother or sister.

"A week later, or so, my mother called me because she wanted to tell me something, but she couldn't say it. The second time, she finally managed to pull through and told me that there was some cyst growing in her ovaries, and it caused the doctors to believe that she was pregnant." I paused, taking a deep breath as I looked up at him. "I was heartbroken, Sasuke. You wouldn't understand because you have your older brother. That's why I didn't tell you."

Sasuke was shocked. He didn't know what to think as of right now. He immediately felt bad for suddenly insulting Sayuri just because she was so hesitant on whether she should tell him or not. It was for a good reason, too. But that doesn't mean she was right.

To put it in simple terms, he still understood about the pains of not even having a sibling at all, though he hasn't actually been through that phase.

He did the only thing he could think of right now. "I'm... sorry for getting so angry over... you know."

"You still said it," she hissed. "I still can't believe you did."

"Listen, I've already apologized to you. The least you can do is forgive me."

"How can I? You're being so rude right now," she sighed. "You know what? I want to finish my book. Can you at least not bother me for heaven knows how long?" She picks up her book from the bed and makes her way to the door, only to be stopped by a hand on her left wrist.

Sasuke. "Wait a minute," his tone went down drastically. "does this make us... enemies again?"

"I never said that," she responded. "But if the shoe fits, wear it."

Stunned by the cruel response, he could only stand frozen as Sayuri pulled her wrist away from Sasuke's grip and fled the room. He blinked. Well, THAT escalated quickly...

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