NiJyuu-Shichi ~ There never was...

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27- There never was...

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I sat on the bed, leaning on the wall behind me as I stared at the open window. It was a really warm, sunny September day, which was weird. It had been cold during the week. I guess Mother Nature is letting us warm up before she decides to attack us with the ferocious autumn wind.

I liked the weather today, though. Just staring at the neighborhood full of greenery and small houses - small compared to Sasuke's house. It reminded me so much of my childhood. It reminded me of how I would go outside and play with my neighbor's children despite the age difference, how I would ride my bicycle on the sidewalk that had weeds growing out of every crack, and how I would go under the big oak tree by my house, wishing that Dad would build me a treehouse.

How nostalgic was I being right now?

The one thing I envied most about my friends when I was younger was that they had a sibling, either younger or older. I always had to wait for them to come out of their houses in the morning. I had no brother or sister to play with to pass time. I was lonely. And now that Mom was having a baby, I won't be as envious anymore. Except that she got pregnant too late. My childhood is already over, hence me being in high school.

It doesn't matter now. At least I'll have a younger brother or sister.

I probably just jinxed it.

As I was admiring more of the outside world, my phone vibrated on the desk beside me. It made a loud sawing noise due to it being on a hard wooden surface. I sighed quietly, sitting up straight as I picked up my phone. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mom.

She now had the courage to call me again after what seemed like forever. Maybe she decided to tell me the truth. Who knows?

I picked the option of answering my phone, and that's exactly what I did. I held the phone up to my right ear. "Hi, Mom."

"H-Hello, sweetie," she stuttered.

My suspicions suddenly rose. "You... left me without an answer there. Is everything okay?"

"Um..." I realized that I froze on the bed. Tension built up inside me. It felt like I was going to explode any minute now. "I'm sorry about the last phone call. I panicked." She suddenly answered, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Do you mind telling me why?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

Sh*t. "I-I can handle it, ma. I'm strong," The line went silent for a moment. "Just take my word for it."

She heaved out a long sigh. "I had to go back to the hospital a few days back. Something happened. I had pain surging through my stomach. It felt as if I were stabbed."

I widened my eyes in shock. Pure shock. "Please don't tell me you lost the baby."

"There never was a baby."

I held my breath in. My heart started to ache just as I heard her response. I loosened the grip on my cellphone, but not loose enough for me to drop it. I tried taking this all in. There never was a baby. I never really had a sibling. But, how is this possible?!

It was as if she read my mind, because she explained more of her situation. "The doctor told me I had a cyst in my ovaries. The damned thing causes a false positive pregnancy test. I now have to go back in a few days for surgery to remove it."

"For good?" I let out a little louder than usual.

"Let's just say... that I will officially be unable to bear a child after that."

I was never going to have a sibling. And I never will. My heart was now filled with pain and rage.

"Sayuri?" Mom says softly. "Are you still there-"

"I have to go now," I quickly hung up the phone, tossing it to the other side of the bed as tears began to flow out of my eyes uncontrollably. Everything seemed like a blur to me now. It felt as if anger was taking control of my actions. I didn't know what I was doing.

Life, why did you decide to screw around with me?

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