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Hello everyone! If you've somehow stumbled upon this page, welcome! If you've been here for a while, welcome back!

As you can probably tell by the title, this is going to be comprised of requested one shots and mini fics with pretty much all of the bromances including people outside of the band (i.e. Justin Bieber and Josh Devine (even though Josh is technically in the band) and Nick Grimshaw) if I get those requests!

Also, I don't write hetero. I write slash. Don't ask me to write about any girls with Harry or Niall but I might consider Payzer or Zerrie or Elounor if the idea is good enough. Especially don't ask me to write about you and one of the boys. I love you all but I don't write that kind of stuff. It's weird. I don't... yeah...

Beware! Some stories will be Crack Fics, others will be Smut, and even others will be Fluffy Fics! Read at your own risk!

This 'book' will only have requests but there are no guarantees that I will take your request or that I will write it within the week. I'll dedicate it to you, though, so you can see it when it's up. If your request is too close to a story I'm writing or I plan to post, I probably will not do it and I will direct you to the story. 

Any sequel must be requested by the same person otherwise I won't do it. Why? Because I said so. 

This story is marked as complete because, technically, every one shot is complete even though I will continue to add to it. Thank you in advance for reading! And don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me!

One Direction Requested One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now