Chapter 7 - Only A Matter Of Time

Start from the beginning

Daryl didn't really say anything, only looked at me for a long while as I continued to work on his side.

"Where is he?" He finally asked. "Your brother."

My thoughts immediately went to the barn as I looked up at Daryl, but of course I didn't say that. "He's gone. Happened a little under a month ago, same time as my stepmother." Daryl nodded and I thought about what Glenn had said about Merle Dixon. Daryl had lost a brother as well, although they were actually blood related. Losing Shawn had almost destroyed me, probably would have if I didn't have Beth and Maggie. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose them.

I didn't bother with the large bandage this time and only covered it with a bit of a cotton pad on both the entry and exit wound.

"Okay, you're done. We'll take out the stitches in a few days, but you can move back out to your tent whenever you're ready." Daryl nodded again. "But don't wander off. Once you're back out to the campsite you're confined to your tent instead of this room." I laid out his orders as I picked up the now empty plate off the bed. "If you need help let me know." I added on the end before turning on my heels and heading for the door, not expecting him to say anything else.

"Hey." He called, catching me by surprise as I opened the door and looked over my shoulder at Daryl. It took him a moment before he spoke again. "Thank-you."

It was now my turned to nod with a small smile before finally taking my leave, closing the door behind me.

I dropped his plate off in the kitchen where I found Maggie with a giant basket of fruit.

"What's this?"

"It's for Glenn." She stated.

"You're going to bribe him with a basket of fruit?"

"No..." She paused. "There's jerky too." She finally added and I chuckled.

"Let me know how that goes." I said with a smile, beginning to exit the kitchen, but turned back around to add; "But hey, if the fruit fails you could always try something a little more creative." She glared at me as I smirked.

Maggie went to say a snappy retort back, but then paused, thinking for a moment. "You think it'll work?" Now I actually laughed.

"Hey, what're you talking about?" Beth interrupted, bounding happily into the room.

"Nothing." We both replied instantly and at the same time.

"Right, because I totally believe that." She said suspiciously, looking between us. "Is this about Glenn?" She asked innocently as Maggie snapped her head over to me.

"I said nothing." I responded defensively.

"She didn't have too... It's was obvious at dinner last night." Beth shrugged as she grabbed a peach from Maggie's fruit basket and took a bite. "So did you here?" She asked. Maggie's face seemed to go whiter than a sheet, dreading what it was Beth was about to say. "Daddy said that I could join Rick's group and learn how to shoot. Jimmy too and Patricia."

"Oh, really? How'd you manage that one?" I asked, knowing it wouldn't have been an easy battle. "Dad wasn't entirely convinced when I spoke to him about it."

"Talent." She shrugged.

"You batted your eyelashes didn't you?" Maggie asked.

"A little." She grinned.

"Daddy's girl." I teased through narrowed eyes, jealous that I could no longer get away with puppy dog eyes. I could tell Maggie felt the same way.

"I learnt from the best." She smiled before placing a quick kiss on my cheek followed by Maggie's and headed for the door, probably to find Jimmy.

"Have fun!" I called after her.

The Fear (The Walking Dead / Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now