Chapter 23

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"No its really obvious Y/LN, why are you so blind? Open your eyes you'll see" she said

Is it true that Lauren has feelings for me? But I don't want to get my hopes up.

"Oh ally I know your just kidding" I said while chuckling,

"Whatever you say Y/LN" she said rolling her eyes.

"You have a show tonight right?" I asked

"Yes you should come" Ally invited,

I would love to, but I have a duty today as their bodyguard,

"Uhm I'll try Ally, I have some work to do later" I said, Ally just pouted,

"Aww, next time allycat I promised" I said, she smiled,

"You promised that you'll watch our concert next time, I'll mark your words Y/N" she said smiling

"I'll cross my heart" I said then mark a cross on my heart,

Ally gave me a plate of pancakes, and I dig in,

"This is good ally" I complimented ally's cooking.

"Thanks, wait till you taste my cookies" she said while grinning,

"I'm looking forward to that" I said with a lopsided grin.

"So what did you and Lauren do on the amusement park yesterday?" She asked,

"Uhm we rent some roller blade and skate around the amusement park, then I got her a stuff toy and we ride at the ferris wheel" I said thinking about yesterday,

"Wow looks like you and Lauren really enjoyed the day, and what? You made her ride the ferris wheel? Nobody can make her ride the ferris wheel or roller coaster, everybody knows that Lauren is scared of heights" she said

"Yeah I know she has a fear of heights that's why I made her ride the ferris wheel to face her fear, and she seems to enjoy the whole ride" I explained, "and I assured her that I'm there beside her" I continued

"Aww your so sweet, Lauren is so lucky to have you" ally said with a smile

"I wish" I said sighing.

Lauren's POV

I woke up this morning with a smile, I get to spend the day with Y/N and I faced my fear, although I wish its ninja who I want to be with buy I'm really becoming confused of the two, its because they make my heart skip whenever I see them, Y/N would compliment me same as ninja, that makes my heart beat faster, and feels butterfly in my stomach.

What I like about them is that they compliment a person in a non cocky way.

It feels sucks because the ninja and I only hanged out once and I really miss her, her mysteriousness gives me the urge to know her better.

But sadly I don't know where to find ninja, she's everywhere saving people.

I got up from my bed when I remembered that we had a show later, I go to the bathroom brush my teeth then washed my face, I changed into comfortable clothes then got out of my room, then I saw Ally and Y/N eating breakfast, then ally saw me,

"Good morning Lauren" she greeted with a smile

Then Y/N look at me then smiled at me, wow that smile that can make every girls and guys swoon,

"Hi Laurybear! Good morning" she said cheerfully,

"Laurybear?" I asked,

"It's my nickname for you," she said smiling

Your Hero (Lauren/you)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя