Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Girl Meets World or any of the characters.

"Soon, you are going to be starting high school," Topanga remarked softly pushing away strands of brown hair away from Riley's face. "Things are going to get tougher and times will get harder, but sweetheart, you should always know that I am here for you."

Riley smiled and sighed, glancing up at her mother. "I know mommy, I know."

Riley brushed her hair back and stood up as the window shifted and Maya stepped through. A long, purple scarf surrounded her neck. Topanga smiled at Riley and patted her shoulder before leaving the room.

"What's up?" Maya grinned at Riley and she swallowed, grimacing slightly.

"Maya, I think we need to talk," Riley bit her lip and looked down at her boots in tension. She wasn't sure if she would be able to talk to her properly and confrontation wasn't her favourite thing to be doing.

"What's up, Peaches?" Maya smiled again and Riley sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Lucas and I followed you the other day and we caught you with Missy. Maya, I need you to tell me what's going on. Something bad is happening and... I don't like it."

Maya's smile faltered as she noticed the look on Riley's face. "What are you talking about? The party? Oh Peaches, there is nothing going on with Missy."

"B-But I-"

"Riley, you are my best friend. I can trust you with anything in the world and I care about you so much. You are my little goofball and yes, we were hanging out, but there is nothing going on between Missy and I." Maya looked at her with sincere eyes and Riley's heart warmed.

Guilt washed over her as if a tide came rushing towards her on a beach. Maya was her best friend and nothing would come in between their friendship. They could always trust each other - and boys would never get in between their friendship.

Riley smiled, but her heart wasn't fully content. Secrecy would ruin their friendship and Riley knew she had to uncover them as soon as possible.

But Riley knew she was keeping a secret from them too.

A secret which would make them despise her.

"What's the matter, Farkle?" Lucas seemed concerned and Riley was confused as to why they were so close all of a sudden. Their relationship was on and off, but was Lucas interested in Maya?

"Nothing much, Maya was just hanging out with people she shouldn't have been with," Farkle was hiding something and Riley felt irked by the discomfort in her stomach.

"Really?" Lucas's eyes furrowed and Riley resisted the urge to smile. She wasn't the only one feeling doubtful.

"Yeah, she passed out and she is sleeping in the guest bedroom down there," he pointed down to the rooms near the sink and Lucas ran to the door.

Riley sighed and glanced at Farkle. He looked messy and unkept, tired bags under his eyes as he looked around the room.

"Everything OK, Farkle?" Riley searched his face for clues but he kept quiet, and Riley immediately knew something was wrong.

"Yeah-yeah, um, everything is fine," Farkle gave Riley a cheeky grin with made her heart skip a beat. She folded her arms and rubbed her aching forehead.

More secrets.


'"Do you think you are being funny Riley?'"

Riley swallowed the lump in her throat as she pulled the duvet cover over her head.

She didn't want to face them today. She knew they would be watching.

"You think you're being cute? You're so dumb and spoilt."

Riley took a deep breath and sighed. She was strong, confident, independent... But in reality she was fearful. She knew the gang had been lying and concealing facts that Rilry was unaware of. She knew that Farkle had discovered Maya's secret, but he was keeping it from her. The lack of trust made her feel insecure and vulnerable.

She was scared to glance at her phone, but she could hear it beeping.

"Cowardly. Just like courage the cowardly dog. Are you a dog, Riley? A selfish, fat dog?"

Riley ran her fingers through her brown hair and glanced at her red eyes. She rubbed them in exasperation, anxiety settling in her stomach.

"Just stop it already. You are so embarrassing. How do your parents even put up with you?"

Riley heard rattling and she glanced at her window.


She took off her shoes and pulled the silk sheets over her head.

She couldn't tell Maya, could she? If she found out...

"Hey Riles, ready for school?" Her gorgeous blonde curls were accompanied by hair clips. A smile was perched on her face as she glanced at Riley.

"And I am pretty sure Lucas prefers blondes."

Riley coughed, placing a hand in her forehead. "I am not feeling well, Maya, could you just leave me alone?"

"Rise and shine cupcake, we have to go, now."

"You go ahead, I'll catch up," tears fell from Riley's cheeks, she couldn't control herself. She had to focus on protecting Maya, it was the only way.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

Riley was all alone.


Maya cupped a hand over her mouth and slid down the bathroom wall in shame.

She was all alone.

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