Chapter 2

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"Hello ladies," a short, intellectual boy appeared in Riley's vision. She resisted the urge to smile when she noticed his familiar turtlenecks and shaggy brown hair that he pulled back.

"Farkle," Riley responded, frowning when she noticed that Maya didn't say it with her. She looked to her right and realized that Maya had gone to her seat, and was chatting next to their other friend.

Riley's breath caught in her throat she laid her dark eyes on the most sweetest boy she had ever met.


Lucas was a charming boy from Texas with dark hair, dark eyes and a glorious smile that blew her away.

"Lucas," she breathed, grinning and blushing as she attempted to cover it up. He looked up from his desk and smiled at Riley.

"Ey there Ranger Rick, how you doing?" She punched him lightly on the shoulder causing him to laugh and shake his head at her.

"I'm OK Maya, I'm okay." Lucas stared at Maya causing Riley to feel uncomfortable. Riley took a seat next to Maya and rubbed her aching temples. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel so bitter and miserable? 

She looked up at her friends and sighed. Maya twirled her long blonde hair around her finger, flashing a pearl white grin at Lucas as they talked. Farkle, on the other hand, was jumping up and down, exclaiming things at her father, Cory, who attempted to quieten the class to begin his history lesson. 

"Silence, okay, everybody in your seats.. Farkle, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, sir. I just wanted to explore my surroundings..." Farkle gazed dreamily at the board and then hopped back into his seat. 

Cory, well.. Mr Matthews pulled his blazer on and began talking. Riley wasn't really paying attention though. She was too busy thinking of Missy Bradford and Maya's strange behaviour.  


Maya combed out her long blonde curls and sighed.

The plan was difficult but she knew she would be able to do it.

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