Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Girl Meets World or any of the characters.

Riley, Farkle and Lucas edged past the dark alleyway. It was way past their curfew, but in their minds, finding out what Maya was up to was way more important. Riley informed her mother that she was going to find out the secrets Maya was keeping and before they left, she had warned her that what she would find out might affect her. Riley knew there was dangers lurking, and she wanted to find out.

"Guys, I think this is a bad idea," Lucas whispered, his voice low with warning. He wore traditional party wear; a polo shirt, jeans and baseball shoes with thin laces.

"Why? We all know Maya hasn't been hanging out with Riley much anymore. She is certainly up to something - and I spoke to Mrs Hart but she doesn't know anything." Farkle folded his arms. He wore a jet black top, loose leggings, leather boots and a beanie hat that pulled his shaggy fringe back.

"Yeah, Lucas. I am worried about her. And as a best friend, it is my responsibility to look after her." Riley wore a beautiful black dress decorated with blue dolphins. She wore matching sandals, Maya's friendship bracelet and a blue bow in her dark, wavy hair.

"But that doesn't mean you have to constantly be on her case!" He exclaimed, pausing for a second.

"Whatever," she lightly shrugs, looking away from Lucas.

"Let's go."


Farkle could see a flash of gold hair, knocking on a door. It was a big house with balloons tied neatly in bows across the front door.

He looked at Riley, his heart nearly stopping at her beauty. He knew Lucas couldn't appreciate her beauty and he was quite oblivious to how love struck she was 80% of the time. Instead he fell for Maya. It was pretty obvious - and the romance between them was easily mistaken for the close friendship they had.

Farkle took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

And, to everyone's surprise it was...


Everyone looked at him surprised. He wore a green plaid shirt with jeans and dance shoes.

"Hey Riles," he showed his cute dimples causing Farkle to look between them in surprise.

"Hey," she breathed, her eyes twinkling as he let them in.

"Have you seen Maya?" Farkle asked loudly, over the music.

"Yeah, she went somewhere with Missy."

Missy? Riley felt an unfamiliar feeling in her gut. So that had meant that star gazing opportunities were gone - and they were left with trips to Missy's place.

Riley excused herself, pushing past Lucas as she entered the party. There were colourful banners and confetti everywhere. Pop music blared loudly in the background and there were beverages everywhere. Riley heard faint giggling as she went up the staircase.

She opened a door, listening as the laughter got louder and louder.

She peeked through the small gap, looking into a group of girls (Maya included) gossiping with makeup kits and accessories scattered around them. Two beautiful girls were holding Maya's hands, painting her nails while they gossiped.

Riley gasped. So Maya preferred Missy's company instead of hers? Hurt bubbled in her chest, it was supposed to be Maya and Riley doing fun stuff together, not Maya and Missy. Her eyes were wet as she listened to their discussion.

"So tell me Maya, who were you texting last night?" Missy asked, her voice raspy and sugar sweet as usual.

Maya made a noise of frustration. "Don't remind me. Riley's childish antics are still going on. I mean c'mon, who enjoys star gazing?"

A waterfall of tears gushed down Riley's cheeks. She was hurt beyond belief.

"So why do you put up with her?" She listened further, cupping a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries.

"For Lucas, I guess. I told her I was bad news but she refused. Trying to get her to go away is so exhausting."

"Don't worry Hun, I am pretty sure Lucas likes you too. Riley knows it is just a stupid crush. Besides I know she has googly eyes for that hipster boy, Charlie, I think."

Riley pulled back, shutting the door quietly and running downstairs. She could hear Lucas and Charlie calling after her but she kept running and running.


Maya's heart lurched when she saw Riley run out of the room. Missy's gossip intrigued her, but she knew better. She pulled out her sketchbook from her rucksack and drew a girl with brown hair... a girl who was too innocent and naive.

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