Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Girl Meets World or any of the characters.

Topanga ushered her in. Riley went to her bedroom, her face covered in dried tears. She tiptoed her way to her bedroom and opened her window, looking up at the night sky.

The stars made her feel slightly better.

A knock at the window caused her to lurch forward in shock. She gasped when she saw her little friend, Farkle, staring at her with curious eyes.

"Riley?" Farkle sounded concerned and breathless, as if he had ran after her. Riley felt touched that he had bothered to come after her.

"Farkle? What are you doing here?"

"I think I should be asking you that question," he ducked his head under the window and sprawled out beside her. Her sniffling caused him to come after her. He was worried, really worried, at her abrupt leave.

Farkle didn't ask any questions. He just knew something bad had happened; so he wrapped his soft arms around Riley's body, comforting her. Riley pressed her face against his chest, sighing at the warmth he brought her.

"I didn't know you liked star gazing," he said, causing her cheeks to go pink.

"I-It's just a hobby," she stuttered causing him to chuckle and nod.

It was awkward and unfamiliar, but it felt so right.


Farkle brushed his hair back and sighed.

It had been a long time.

Way too long for his liking.

He looked up, his black beanie falling over his eyes as he did so. She approached with caution, muttering apologies as she pushed past the crowd of unwanted residents.

"Smackle," he breathed, a smile forming on his face. He stood up and smiled as she came towards him.

Isadora Smackle pushed her glasses back towards her nose and sighed. Her beautiful dark hair curled around her face and she smiled at him, her lips coated with raspberry lipgloss. A flowery scarf accompanied her neck in a trendy fashion and she looked so happy he felt as if he could experience it too.

"How have you been, Farkle?" Isadora smiled and placed her hand forward. Farkle shook her hand and sat down in the booth, pushing his floppy hair backwards.

"I've been busy," he looked outside. The sun blazed amongst the orange and red colours in the sky. The pale clouds darkened and the sunset made him gawk in awe.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Smackle glanced at his expression and grinned, "the wonders of the world can be extraordinary when they are at their finest."

Farkle sighed and rubbed his cold hands together. "I'm not happy Smackle, a lot has changed and I-I'm not sure if I am ready to take it all on at once..."

Smackle's eyes narrowed slightly as she stared down Farkle. He resisted the urge to smirk or make a joke as he thought about what Lucas would do.

Lucas. He had been feeling jealous recently of Lucas. He was so unaware of how lucky he was. Maya had an awful past and struggled to seek comfort from the bad people and Riley had a crush on him for such a long time. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked at his watch.

6:15pm, it was nearly time for dinner. He knew his mother would call soon. Farkle knew about the situation at home and he didn't want to stress his mother. He took a deep breath and looked at Smackle, opening his mouth to speak before she rudely cut his thoughts off.

"I have a feeling you have been hanging out with the blonde lately... Maya, isn't it?"

Farkle mentally chuckled. It was nothing to do with Maya. In fact, all his life, Maya had never been his concerns. He always thought she was too needy and dependant on Riley and sometimes he knew that she had to appreciate her life instead of taking advantage of other people.

"No," one-worded answers were more of Lucas's thing, and strangely he found comfort in that.

Smackle's eyebrows furrowed and before they could talk anymore, the bell at the door rung.

He tore his eyes away from Smackle to the person at the door and his eyes widened.

'Speaking of the devil,' he thought, closing his eyes in exasperation.


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