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Harrybanana: Guys...

PenguinLukey: What is it?

Lou: what?

Nialler: feed me!

PuppiesForeverCal: Wut?

Harrybanana: I want everyone to hear this.

A-stone: what r u up to harry?

Mr.Payno: hallo

MikeyLovesPizza: I'm right here.

ItsZen: Me too.

Harry: uhmm okay..so what do you call a group of squid that swim together?

PenguinLukey: this is one of your stupid jokes isn't it?

Lou: I'm out of here.

*username Lou left the chatroom*

Harrybanana: just say what guys!

Nialler: what?

PuppiesForeverCal: wut?

*Username A-stone left the chatroom*

Harrybanana: A SQUAD!

*Username PuppiesForeverCal left the chatroom*

PenguinLukey: the fuck.

*Username PenguinLukey left the chatroom*

Mr.Payno: oh my..

*Username Mr.Payno left the chatroom*

Harrybanana: I can be a comedian, right guys?

ItsZen: No comment about that.

Harrybanana: oh come on Zayn,pal..i'm funny right?

*Username ItsZen left the chatroom.*

MikeyLovesPizza: no you're not.

*Username MikeyLovesPizza left the chatroom*

Nialler: actually,it's hilarious!

Harrybanana: everyone left us niall.

Nialler: bcoz they're jealous you're a great joker.Lol

Harrybanana: aww

*Username PenguinLukey is back at the chatroom*

*Username MikeyLovesPizza is back at the chatroom*

MikeyLovesPizza: Shut up luke.

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