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MichaelTheGreatest: everybody got their username back?

PuppiesForeverCal: yup finally!

A-stone: yeppp

HarryTheJoker: yup yup!

PenguinLukey: harry why is ur username like that?

HarryTheJoker: like what lukey?

Lou: You should have change it to Harry The Idiot.Lol

Mr.Payno: that is so mean Lou.

TheIrishMan: as for me,I'm still the Irish man.I luv ma username.

MichaelTheGreatest: enough with ur weird shits.How's Brianna?

A-stone: good.

MichaelTheGreatest: not you ash,Lou?

Lou: Brianna is not my lover.

PenguinLukey: wtf

Lou: she's just a girl who claims that I am the one.

TheIrishMan: huh?

Lou: but the kid is not my son.

HarryTheJoker: If Brianna is really pregnant the question is will it be a tomlindaughter or Tomlinson?

HarryTheJoker: get it guys?

HarryTheJoker: I'm so funny right?

Mr.Payno: Actually,its kinda funny're such a joker!

HarryTheJoker: thanks mate,you're such a batman.

HarryTheJoker: see what I did there huh? Lol

HarryTheJoker: joker-batman lmao

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