Confessions of a fangirl #1

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Confessions of a fangirl #1 :
You can't judge someone because she's a fangirl,you don't know her life at all.I,personally am a Directioner and you know what,it's one of the decision that I won't regret.Yes,It's hard to fall inlove with someone who doesn't even know you're existing,sometimes you think you're the only one who knows them but in reality there's a million of fangirls/fanboys who's experiencing the way you do.You'll look at the lads as the love of your life,but they'll see you just one of their fans.I cri for this.Life of a fangirl is so hard,many of us experiences mental illness,Imagine being inside a stadium and every single one of you has a story to tell about their lives,their battles,the demons inside our heads,and we're not lying if we say One Direction saved us,they really did and keep on saving us.Some of us stop self-harming and found a reason to live.We are not just fangirls,we share a love with One Direction.It's hard to dedicate our lives to someone who doesn't know us,but I thank them because they saved many lives,including mine.
And I'll continue my support for them because I love those lads and my fandom that's techincally my second family.Sometimes I look at my fellow Directioners and be like "Wow,they're my family and I love them a whole lot." ♡

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