Chapter 15

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"Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future." Dale Turner.


~1 week later~

I set the last of my boxes on the floor in Spencer and my apartment. "Bec!" Spence calls from our bedroom, ringing that annoying bell to get my attention. I walk over to the bedroom and open the door, peeking my head inside, "Yes?" I ask my husband, who is still on bed rest.

"Could you get me some water?" Spencer asks me, looking up from his book, and setting the bell down on the nightstand.

"Sure," I say with a slight smile before walking over to the kitchen, filling a glass with water.

"Here you go," I say, handing Spence the glass of water. "Thank you." He says taking it from me and drinking it.

"Hey, so remember I'm going out with Mal in a little bit, because she goes back home tomorrow, so JJ is coming over to help you." I say walking over to the dresser, stripping of my sweat pants and tee shirt to change into something appropriate to go out in.

"Yes Bec, I remembered." He says.

"I figured you would." I say pulling up my jeans and slipping on a blouse. "I think she said she was going to bring Henry over too." I say standing in front of the mirror fixing my hair and throwing on some makeup.

There is a knock at the door just as I finish up. "That's JJ," I say grabbing my purse and walking over to Spencer. "Need anything before I go?" I ask him.

"A kiss would be nice." Spencer says. I laugh and quickly kiss my husband. "Bye, love you." I say walking towards the bedroom door.

"Love you too." He calls after me as I walk out of the bedroom.

I open the door to the apartment, revealing JJ and Henry. "Aunt Becca!" Henry yells excitedly.

I squat down in front of him, "Hey buddy," I say giving him a hug. "Uncle Spence is in the other room," I tell Henry, "Why don't you go surprise him?" I whisper. Henry smiles, "Ok," He whispers back before running into the house.

I stand back up and look at JJ. "Thanks for coming over." I say.

"Of course," She says.

"Ok, so one thing you will quickly learn is that, that bell that Morgan bought him, is the most annoying thing ever." I complain. "And honestly I think it gives him way too much power and it needs to be taken away from him." I joke.

"You are talking about him like he's a five year old," JJ laughs.

"But isn't he though?" I continue to joke with her.  "Ok I'm going to go, see you in a little bit."

"Ok bye Bec," JJ says as I leave.


I stumble into my apartment around 2am, slightly drunk. JJ and Henry are both asleep on the couch. I walk into my bedroom to find Spencer asleep in our bed. I throw my hair up and change into my pajamas as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake him up.

While slipping off my jeans I manage to get my foot stuck in the pants leg, causing myself to fall onto my face. "Ouch." I say as I hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Bec?" I hear Spence say in his raspy morning voice. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"I fell." I say pushing myself onto my feet, "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I admit, finishing taking my jeans, leaving me in just my tee-shirt and underwear.

"It's fine." He says pushing his hair away from his face. 

I make my way over to the bed and climb in next to him, "I'm so tired." I tell Spencer, resting my head next to his.

"So sleep." Spencer tells me, softly kissing my forehead.

I yawn, "I can't. I don't feel good."

"How much did you drink tonight?" Spencer asks me, slightly laughing.

"I'm not sure." I admit.

"Hold on," Spence says starting to get out of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him concerned. "Doctor said you aren't allowed to get out of bed."

"Becca I'm fine." Spencer says standing up and walking over to the bathroom. He come back carrying the trash can from the bathroom and he sets it down on the floor next to my side of the bed. "Hold on." He says and starts walking to the bedroom door.

"Spencer you aren't supposed to be out of bed." I say again sitting up.

"Rebecca Anne Singfield Reid." Spence says using my full name. "I am going to get you some water and some medicine; I don't care what the doctor said." He says walking out of the bedroom.

"Fine." I mumble to myself once Spencer is out of the room.

He comes back holding a glass of water and some pills and hands both to me, "Take these," He says sitting on the bed next to me and rubbing my back.

 I put the pills in my mouth and swallow them, drinking the water as directed and set the glass on the night stand next to the bed.

"There now get some sleep." Spence says helping my lay down, and lying down next to me.

I close my eyes, "Ok." I whisper.

"I love you." Spencer whispers to me, kissing my head.

I smile, "I love you too."


After a long night of puking, I wake up with a massive headache. I groan and roll over to find an empty bed. I sit up, "Spence?" I call out into the apartment but get no response. I get out of the bed and make my way out into the living room area to find no one; even JJ and Henry were gone.

"Spencer?" I call again, still not getting an answer.

The front door of the apartment opens and Spencer walks in carrying a take-out bag from IHOP. "Hey you're up." He says walking inside, closing the door behind him. "I got you breakfast." He says holding up the bag before setting it on the table.

"I see that." I say walking over to the table standing next to him as he starts taking out the food.

"I was going to cook for you but I'm not very good at that." He says making me laugh.

"This is sweet, thank you." I say sitting at the table.

"Of course," Spencer says. "What do you want to drink?" He asks me walking over to the kitchen.

"Milk please." I call after him.

Spencer comes back carrying two glasses of milk, setting one on the table in front of me, and the other in front of his spot, then he pulls two forks out of his pocket and hands me one, "Dig in!" He says sitting down next to me and we start to eat.


Hey guys!!! I'm so so so so so sorry for not writing the wedding...but honestly I couldn't think of anything so I figured I'd just skip it cause I have so many ideas for the final chapters of this book and let's be honest, there is a wedding in every fan fiction and they are all the same you don't need to read it again.

And yes I know this part is short but new case next part so yay!

So school for me starts Monday (Ew) so I will be very busy but I will try to update as much as I can, like I said, I have so many ideas!!!

So don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and I'll talk to you guys later, Bye guys!!

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