Chapter 10

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"It's not so important who starts the game, but who finishes it" John Wooden



The sound of my phone ringing echoes throughout my bedroom waking me up. I moan while reaching for my phone, answering it without looking at the caller I.D. "You do realize it is 6:30 on a Sunday morning, so whoever this is call back-" I say on the phone followed by a yawn.

"Becca, it's me, JJ. Listen, something's come up." JJ says on the phone cutting me off, "You need to get down to the office pronto."

"Please tell me you are kidding."

"I know. I wish psychopathic killers would be a little more respectful of our weekends, too, but what are you gonna do?"

I sigh, "Ok I'll be there in half an hour." I say before hanging up and getting out of bed. I take a quick shower then put on my work clothes and some makeup. I grab my things before putting my hair into a pony tail and going down to my car and driving to work.

I pull into the parking lot at roughly 7:05 and quickly head up to the conference room, joining the rest of the team.  I sit in the one empty seat next to Emily and grab one of the folders on the table as Garcia pulls pictures up, "The latest victim is Tara Farris, she's 20. She's the third victim in two weeks." Garcia says."All found on freeway off-ramps by commuters."

"Well, he's not hiding them." Rossi says. "He wants them found. Quickly."

"Well, they're still dressed." JJ points out, "That minimizes the shock value."

 "Maybe he's concerned for them." Spencer says. "There were no signs of sexual assault on any of the victims."

"Look how pale she is." I mumble not taking my eyes off of the picture.

"All of them were severely hypovolemic. Tara had less than a pint of blood in her." Hotch tells the team. "While the first two had more than three pints each."

Garcia starts flipping through the pictures of the latest crime scene.

"That is new." Morgan says looking at the picture of her body, "Tara's the only victim to have a written message."

"'The liar.'" Hotch reads off the body.

"The  liar. That's strange, isn't it? Not a liar or just liar." Spencer says.

"So what did Tara lie about?" Emily rhetorically asks.

 "All of the victims appear to have been strangled and then bled out through identical wounds in the throat." Garcia says changing the pictures on the screens to each of the victim's necks.

"Wait--seriously, are those supposed to be fang marks?" Emily asks as we all look at the pictures.

"All of the wounds on the victims were covered in saliva." Hotch says.

"Human saliva? As if-- someone drank their blood?"

"It's actually possible, human blood consumption, or clinical vampirism, is known as Renfield's Syndrome, named after the insect-eating character in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula." Spencer informs the team. "They are not necessarily sadist though; pain to the victim's usually only a byproduct. Blood is the focus. Renfield's Syndrome is usually accompanied by Varying levels of schizophrenia and occasionally more classic cannibalism.

"Classic cannibalism. Lovely job we have." Rossi jokes.

"I will say this-- these cases are exceedingly rare."

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