Chapter 11

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"The ultimate choice for a man, in as much as he is given transcend himself, is to create or destroy, to love or to hate" Erich Fromm


"Who?" I ask looking around at my time.

"He hasn't told you?" Emily asks me with a concerned tone.

"No he hasn't told me," I say confused, "told me what?"

They all look at each other, as if trying to decide who should tell me what was going on.

"Guys!" I yell after a couple seconds of silence.

"Tobias Hankel was our unsub in a series of couple murders." Hotch speaks up. "He had multiple personalities and used religion to justify murder."

"And what does that have to do with Spencer?" I ask still a little confused.

JJ sighs, "Spence and I had gone to his house to follow up on a phone call local PD had received a couple months before, without knowing he was our unsub," She explains calmly. "He was the one to actually figure it out, that he was unsub, and we were in the middle of nowhere so we had no service so we couldn't call for backup, so Spencer decided we should split up, and before I could say anything he was gone."

"Next thing I know the team showed up to the house and neither Tobias, or Spencer was any where to be found." JJ finishes.

"So what? He took him?" I ask.

"Yeah, all we really know is two of the personalities had tortured him, while Tobias would give him dilaudid to help the pain." Morgan explains to me. "Reid had to choose who lived, who died, and besides the live footage we saw that was routed to the computers in his house, we have no clue what happened."

"Well damn." I mumble, "He never told me,"

"We're going to need to put Reid into protective custody," Hotch says, "And possibly you too," He says looking at me.

"Why me?" I ask.

"If he can't get to Reid he would go after who means most to him, which is you, to try and punish him that way." Hotch explains to me. "So why don't we start setting up here, and Becca, you go get Reid?"

I nod and stand up and walk out of the conference room. I look out into the bullpen and look for Spencer. I look through all the faces and can't spot him. I walk over to the break room and open the door. "Spence?" I call as I look inside.

When I see no one is there I walk back into the conference room, where the team as pulled out the files from the case. "Did anyone see where he went?" I ask walking inside. The whole team looks at me concerned.

"I'll check the bathroom." Morgan says setting the things in his hands on the table before walking out of the room.

"He might have gone outside?" Emily suggests. "I'll be back." I say with a sigh and head out of the room and over to the elevator.

The elevator doors open and I step inside and go down to the first floor of the building and go outside. As I open the door a rush of cold air surrounds me, giving me goose bumps.  "Spence?" I call out, hoping he is out here.

I sigh, "Where did you go." I mumble to myself as I pull out my cell phone and dial his number.

I press 'call' and hold the phone up to my ear as the ring back tone starts to go off.  After a couple of seconds the sound of a phone ringing fills my ears. I turn and look around, seeing no source of the sound.

Without taking my phone away from my ear, I follow the ringing to the bushes next to the building. I bend down, and see a faint glowing coming through the dirt.

Rescuing The Doctor ~Spencer Reid FF~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant