CHAPTER THREE - Karma's Return

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"Excuse me?!" Alessia was shocked by what Professor Dumbledore had just asked her to do.

"You must punish Sirius Black, Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy for their actions, Miss De Luca.- May I call you Alessia? - Excellent." Dumbledore smiled at her, his bue eyes twinkling in th light of his office. She mumbled an "okay" and Alessia turned to the boys, each sitting on a different chair. She leaned close to Lucius, her face inches from his.

"Detention, twice a week for two weeks." She whispered, then brought her face close to Severus'. "Same for you." Then she walked over to Sirius, a cruel smile spreading on her face.

"Please..." He pleaded, smiling crookedly at her.

"Detention twice a week for three weeks." She informed him, then turned her face to the side. "And a kiss." He sighed and pecked her on the cheek. Sirius was happy to notice out of the corner of his eye that both Malfoy and Snape froze. Lily had been right, and he was damn glad of it.

"Thank you, Alessia. You may all leave now." Dumbledore said, cheerfully and sat down at his desk. "Unless you'd all like lto spend the rest of the evening with me?" The kids all hurried out of the Headmaster's office, leaving him to chuckle to himself.

"Well, thanks!" Sirius muttered as they left. He was angry at Alessia. "Why did you give me more detention then them?!"

"Maybe she doesn't like you anymore, Black." Malfoy whispered, not loud enought for Alessia to hear him.

"Because you tried hexing Snape-" Alessia started.

"He tried hexing me, too!" Sirius replied.

"You tried hexing Malfoy-"


"And you punched him!"

"Whatever." Sirius sighed. Alessia rolled her eyes and dragged him back up to Gryffindor tower. They stopped in front of the portrait hole.

"Let me make it up to you." She said. Sirius raised his eyebrows and smiled, deviously. It took a few seconds for Alessia to realize what he was thinking about. "NO! I meant this." Alessia kissed him on the lips with passion Sirius had never felt before. He pulled her closer and her hand traveled to his hair. They were interupted by the sound of the portrait hole creaking open. Alessia pulled away. "Hey, Lilz." she greeted her friend.

"Am I interupting?" Lily asked, awkwardly. Sirius opened his mouth to say yes, but Alessia's foot made contact with his. A sign he knew meant he better shut up. He resisted the urge to scream in pain.

"Not at all." Alessia smiled warmly at her friend and they entered the common room. "Wait." Alessia said, grabbing Lily's arm as she sat down. "I want to go see something. Let's get James and the others, though."


"Okay, this is seriously freaking me out." Sirius whispered, staring down into the nothingness beneath the staircase that should have been where the ground lay. He then cracked up at his own pun.

"It makes no sense - Wait, I have an idea. Call me crazy, but-" Alessia began.

"Hi, Crazy." James said, cheesily, but immediatley shut up when he recieved the Look from Lily. The Look just meant "You better shut up soon 'cuz I'm a prefect and I can give you detention for being stupid."

"Move back, everyone." Alessia ordered. They did as they were told and Alessia transformed into her Anigmus form: a black pegasus. She opened her mouth to speak, and then made a face that seemed as if she was swearing. She changed back into a human and spoke, irritated: "I'm going to fly down there. If I don't fly back up in five minutes..."

"You're dead." Peter said, helpfully.

"Or that there's something in the darkness." Alessia smiled, calmly and turned into her Anigmus form again. She flew up, over the railing, and down into the nothingness.

"Ow! Damn it!" Alessia swore loudly as she crumpled to the ground. She looked up. Where was she? Definatley not Hogwarts.

"You're a witch!" exclaimed someone behind her. Alessia turned around to see a little girl, probably about ten or eleven pointing at her, a look of shock on her face.

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Alessia asked.

The girl composed herself. "Well, first of all, you're wand is sticking out of your boot." Alessia looked down and cursed her robes that were too small. "And second, you just fell from the sky." Alessia had nothing to say to that.

"Are you a Muggle?" Alessia wondered, nervously, but then realized it was a stupid question: if a Muggle had caught her, they wouldn't have a clue of what the word "Muggle" meant. And they defiatley wouldn't be as calm.

"I'm a Squib." The girl answered. "My name is Elizabeth."

"Can I call you Liz?" Alessia asked.

"Sure." The girl shrugged. "So how did you get here?"

"Where's here, again?" Alessia smiled, awkwardly.

"England." Liz answered, looking at her strangely. Alessia rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I knew that, but - What are you wearing?" Alessia's eyes caught on the long dress the girl wore. It looked quite old fashioned.

"Clothes..." Liz replied, looking at her even more strangely.

Fearing the answer, Alessia asked. "What year are we in?"

"1478, why?"

Alessia laughed, nervously. "I'm from the future! Hee hee... I was born in 1951."

Liz's eyes went wide, but she didn't look like she didn't believe Alessia. "Are there any more of you?"

"Oh, yes." Alessia smiled, rocking back on her heels. "My friends should be getting here any minute now." She heard someone land on the hard ground behind her with a thump.

"God damn it!" Came Sirius' voice. "Where the hell am I?"

"In the Medival Ages, my dear Sirius." Alessia turned to her boyfriend. He didn't seem worried, only answering:

"That's what you get for giving your boyfriend detention... And Moony thinks Karma hates me! Psh!"

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