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Niall is soaked and his eyes widen when he sees what I am wearing. Instantly I regret going to bed in shorts and a long shirt, even though it is really comfortable. The shorts are gray and cover my ass but are so short that my thighs are exposed. The white shirt doesn't help either. It only is one inch longer than my shorts. I cross me legs and pull my shirt down. Niall is speechless. My cheeks turn red and feel burning hot. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Is all I can think. I wish I could fly away. Or sink into the floor. Or just disappear in general. I don't know long we've been standing here now, not one word spoken.

"I swear I wear short and not only panties." As soon as my words leave my mouth, they join the list of embarrassment and regrets. I blush even harder and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and the look at Niall again. He still scans my appearance with his eyes and when I loudly clear my throat, he looks up.

"Good morning." He brightly smiles. "I-I've got breakfast." He holds up two paper bags from no other place than McDonalds. (This Fanfiction is mainly about food - as you probably noticed already)

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Because it's time... for breakfast." He smiles and walks pass me into my flat. I close my eyes, exhale and close the door. Then I turn around and walk over to my bed where I sit down. Niall walks circles around my room and looks at everything. There's actually nothing interesting to look at, except if you find white walls, white furniture and grey and black decoration as interesting.

"Why are you soaked?" I ask and can't help it but stare at his wet face and hair. He looks so hot, I think and swallow the saliva that build up from just looking at him. Niall rolls eyes at me and walks over to the curtains. I lick my lips as he raises his arms and his shirt and jacket to go up and reveal the hem of his Calvin Klein boxers. He opens up the curtains and I see that it rains outside.

"Does this answer your question?" He asks and takes off his jacket. The white shirt that he's wearing sticks to his torso and all of the sudden I feel hot. "Olivia?!" Niall tears me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask. "Ehmm... I-I." I stutter and a big wave of nervousness comes over me.

"Are you okay?" He asks and gives me the McDonalds paper bag.

"Yes." I lie. I am not okay at all actually. I put the paper bag on my bed and get a towel for Niall out of my closet. It's high up, so I get a chair and stand on it. But still, I have to stand on my tiptoes to get it. As I reach for it, my shirt goes up and I can feel Niall's stare on my exposed skin. When I pull the towel out, I loose my balance and fall. Everything goes in slow motion again and as I fall back, I see Niall rushing to me from the corner of my eye. He catches me bridal style.

Out of reflex I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes. My heart is racing and all I can think of is the fact that this is so wrong. When I open my eyes again, Niall chuckles. I hit his arm and he lets me down. When I stand straight again, I give him towel and slap his arm again, but this time harder.

"Ouch! For what was that?!" He exclaims and rubs his arm.

"Thanks." I laugh and roll my eyes at him.

"You say thanks and hit me? Where's the logic?" He laughs and I start to hit his arm again. I burst out laughing when he picks me up all of the sudden.

"Let me down!" I yell and laugh when he starts to tickle me. "Let me down!" I yell over and over again.

He does as told and lays me down on my bed but continues to tickle me. "Stop!" I gasp whilst laughing. "I-l hate you!!"

Fate (Niall Horan - Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang