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"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I jump out of bed and grab my clothes out of my wardrobe.

"What's wrong?" Niall groans and rolls onto his stomach. He groans into the pillow before he turns his head to look over to me. I quickly pull my jeans on and a sweater.

"We're late! Get ready!" I tell him and get my suitcase out. How did I manage to forget to pack?, I ask myself and would hit myself if I had the time to. For some reason I'm nervous to fly back to Ireland even though it's only for a few weeks. So much has changed since the last time I was there. I'm now in a relationship with Niall, the Irish member of One Direction. Okay it's not really that much, but it's a big change.

Niall rolls out of bed and gets dressed. It's like he does it in slow motion and I would tell him to hurry up, but I don't have the time for it. How did I manage to forget to pack?, I ask myself again. Oh hey! I know why! Because Saturday I was too busy spending time with Niall at his house and Sunday I was too busy spending time with Niall at my apartment. Niall even brought his already packed suitcase on Sunday and I still manage to forget to pack. My 13 year old self would be freaking disappointed at me. My 13 year old self would have packed a week before the flight and not few hours before it. 

But my 13 year old self didn't had relationship problems and then the best time with her boyfriend ever. Thinking about the time with Niall the last two days, I realize that I could have easily packed anytime. 

But I just didn't want to leave his side.

"Niall can you please close my suitcase while I get done in the bathroom?"I ask as I throw the last pair of jeans in. He nods and I quickly get into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, side part my hair, because for more isn't any time left, and put my contacts in. As fast as possibleI put the rest of my bathroom essentials into a bag, that my mum gave me before I moved to London, and pee. I rush out of the bathroom after washing my hands and stuff the bag into my backpack. Niall quickly gets ready in the bathroom while I throw the last things that I will need into my backpack. It knocks on the door and I open it before I rush back to my bed to make it. Even though we don't have much time, I still have to make my bed. If I didn't, it would bother me the whole time while we're in Ireland. It will always be in the back of my head.

"Are you ready?" Ethan asks as I put my Niall pillow in the middle. I take a deep breath when Niall comes out of the bathroom. He looks ready and has his hair perfectly up into a cliff.

"Ready." I smile, to hide my nervousness.

"Are you nervous?" Ethan asks and is close to burst out laughing. I would laugh too if he would be nervous. I mean we're just flying back home, not big deal... right?

It's just that I have this weird feeling in my stomach that tells me that something will go wrong. Something just won't be as planned and that's what I'm afraid of. That's what makes me nervous.

It's just home, I remind myself over and over again as I follow the boys to the elevator. I pull my suitcase behind me and have my backpack over one shoulder. Niall offers to take my suitcase but I said no. When we get into the taxi, Ethan puts all our things into the boot while I take a seat next to Niall on the back of the car. He takes my hand, knowing that I'm nervous and I kiss his cheek.

"Are you okay?" He wants to know as he strokes my hand with his fingers. Just this little gesture calms my nerves a bit.

I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. He rests his head on mine and Ethan gets into the car. The driver drives off and it's quiet all the way to the airport. I forget about the bad feeling that I have until we reach the airplane. We managed through all the security pretty quick and now that we're actually getting closed to the airplane, my mind is killing me again.

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