35. Goodbye

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Michael P.O.V.
"It's one tragic day for the Australian band 5 Seconds Of Summer. Bassist Calum Hoods wife, Gwen has passed away, leaving the band heartbroken and on a four month break. As Gwen was a best friend to all of them, they have taken it hard and won't be making any more music along with their break from tour. Everyone here a E! wants to send our love to the boys and Lily, Gwen's baby girl. We know you guys can get through this. It's tough, but know everyone is here and will help." Calum stared blankly at the tv screen as pictures of Gwen flashed across the screen. No emotion crossed his face, he just stared. I shifted around and he looked at me from the corner of his eye.
"You've been staring at the tv watching re run for the past three hours Calum. Why don't we go do something?" I asked.
"To be honest, I don't want to do anything what so ever. I want to stay here until I wake up to Gwen making pancakes and her bright smile. But I won't ever see that again." I noticed that he was crying and before I could say anything, he got up.
"Shop." He said, getting up from the couch. He took the keys of off the table and followed me out the door.

We ended up buying some baby clothes and some pills that Calum's doctor recommended for his depression. Honestly, I'm really, really worried about him... I've never seen him so down and sad before. But it's not just him. Kayla has been really upset too.. I feel like this impacted them the most. I know me and Gwen knew each other way before they did but she's gone and I know I'll see her again one day, when the time comes. . And her funeral is tomorrow.. I know Calum is going to be a reck so I'm going to stay with him just in case. I feel like my mind is spinning every second of the day. Between Kayla, Calum, Lily, Gwen, and the band. I just want to get away from all of it sometimes. But I know it'll get better. Now, I'm driving back to my apartment that me and Kayla rented a few weeks ago. Her parents started to take my middle of the night visits when Kayla has a breakdown an "inconvenience" so we moved. I pulled up to the small complex and locked the car. I waked to our door and opened it. Kayla was in the corner of the couch, looking through pictures, on the verge of tears. I knew it was Gwen. I put the keys down on the island and pulled her into my arms as she broke down in tears. It wasn't the normal sniffles, it was that heart wrenching sob. It made my heartbreak. I kissed the top of her head as she cries softened.
"Why does this happen?" She asked, hiding her face in my shirt.
"I don't know. But I know that it'll be better and that you'll get through this." She slightly nodded and looked up to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and we stayed like that the rest of the night.

I slowly walked hand in hand with Kayla to the church. Everyone was in black. Typical for a funeral. Calum hasn't said a word since we picked him up this morning, he just got in the car. We walked to the front row and took a seat. In front of us was the coffin, decorated in Delilah's which were Gwen's favorite. A small picture was placed next to it. It was her at the hospital when Lily was first born, they're first family picture of her, Calum, and Lily. I sighed and looked to Calum who's eyes were blood shot and circles were formed under his eyes. I felt myself spacing out as the man in black spoke on about Gwen.
"Now we will have Gwen's best friend Kayla, speak." I looked to kayla and squeezed her hand. She nodded to me and stood up. I watched as she shakily went up to the podium.
"Hello. I'm Kayla, and I was Gwen's best friend." I took a deep breath and hoped she would make it through.
"Gwen was.... Someone unforgettable. She had a fire to her eyes that none of you will probably forget. To me, she was more than the fire. She was a free spirit. She was ready to do anything, always ready. She always was determined for the best.. No matter what." I watched as her eyes started to water and she bit her lip.
"I mean.. Why did she have to go? Like seriously! I HATE THIS. I HATE EVERYTHING. SHE DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS" I jumped at her outburst and quickly got up from seat.
"SHE WAS 19 FOR GODS SAKE SHE DOESNT DESERVE THIS" she sobbed. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I pulled her way. She pushed against me, but I picked her up and over my shoulder. I basically dragged her outside and she suddenly gave up. I turned to her and she turned away and slammed the wall.
"WHY" she yelled, as tears streamed down her face. I started to cry took and as I shook my head.
"I don't know." My voice crack. I pulled her from the wall and pulled her to my chest. The sobs rocked through her whole body. I held her tightly, but something caught my eye. I watched as Calum ran to the car.
"Calum!" I yelled, as he reached it.
"I forgot something at my house!" He yelled back. I nodded but I know he just wanted to get away. I can't blame him. It took at least twenty minutes for Kayla to calm down. Her breathing steady and she looked up to me with a makeup smeared face. I wiped it and heard a few calls from behind us. I turned to see Ashton running to us, out of breath.
"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
"Where is Calum? He said he'd be back." He panted.
"No the car isn't back either. I think he's fine." His eyes widened and he shook his head.
"No he isn't. We have to go. NOW" he yelled, running to his car. Me and Kayla ran after him. We got in the car as fast as we could as Ashton slammed on the gas.
"Dude what happened?" I asked.
"He sent me a text saying I'm sorry and I'm really nervous." He rambled, parking horribly at the apartment complex. We ran at the car and up the stairs. The door was open and we ran in.
"I'm going left." Ashton said. Kayla went with him as I went to the bedroom. It was completely empty other than a note on the bed. And it had my name on it. I nervously opened it and recognized the handwriting of Calum. I read it slowly;
For the longest time now, I hated you. You went spiraling and I never understood. But now I do. I'm spiraling. Every since Gwen died I can't think straight. Everything reminds me of her... And it feels like a stab in the heart. And when I look at Lily.... I only see her. And I know you probably are angry at me. But this is easier for me. Better. Your one of my best friends no matter what. I never did this because of you.... It's just that I can't cope with this. No matter how hard I try. I'm writing you this because when Gwen was alive, she saw something in you that no one else did and she was to stubborn to admit it. And I know a part of her loved you too, and that's ok. And whatever she saw, she liked it. That changed my view of you too, knowing she sees something more. And that's why I need you to take Lily. Raise her.. And teach her the things that I can't. Teach her the guitar, and bass.... Teach her how to drive and how to use her credit card when she gets older. And more than anything, protect her. Protect her from little things and anything at all. Be the dad that I can't be. And make me one promise and marry Kayla. I have never seen you so happy before and the same with her. She's a strong girl and I know that you need her. So don't let her go. I love you and I'll miss you mate. But don't miss me too much.. Again, I'm sorry. And take care of my daughter.
The second I finished the note, my body went numb as a blood curdling scream came from the bathroom.

AUTHORS NOTE: Ahhhhh cliffhanger! I'm sooooooo sorry for not up dating in almost a month! I know you all probably hate me right now. Butttt sadly, they're only two chapters left. I'm sad. But I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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