24. Symptoms

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I woke up to the horrible feeling of nausea again. I had to pee too so I took a sticky note and wrote that I was going to the bathroom in Calum's hand. I practically ran back to the house. When I got in, Emily was at the kitchen cooking. I waved to her before b-lining to the bathroom. It felt like a repeat of at Kayla's house. But this time a threw up faster. I sighed and flushed the toilet before a heard a light knock on the door.
"Come in" I said, leaning against he wall. I'm walked a worried Emily.
"Did you throw up?" She asked, kneeling down to me. I nodded and sat up. She sat down with me and sighed.
"I think your pregnant Gwen." I was taken back by the sudden accusation.
"What makes you say that?" I asked, getting a little annoyed.
"First, you have all of the symptoms. Morning sickness, mood swings, and cravings. And second, I'm a nurse. And I'm not stupid. I know when someone is pregnant. It's how they walk and talk. And the fact that they don't even notice that they constantly put their hands on their stomach." I looked down to see that my hands were on my stomach. I took them away and was in shock. Me..... Pregnant. A mom. I felt tears coming and one fell down my cheek. I'm not ready to be a mom. Not now. I'm only 18..
"Emily, I'm not ready to be a mom." I bursted out in tears as she took me into her arms.
"I know... I know... But everything happens for a reason." I looked down at my ring and nodded.
"But I can't... Not right now. I mean, I'm 18 for gods sake. I can't have a baby... And get married." She nodded and let go of me.
"I'll tell you what. Don't tell Calum until your honeymoon. Cause if you do he'll freak out and rush everything. Take the pregnancy test then. For now don't worry about the baby, just be careful." I nodded and got up.
"Please don't tell anyone Emily." She smiled and nodded.
"Now go before your new fiancé gets nervous." I smiled to her and walked out of the house, running back to the barn. When I got in, Calum was standing at the mini collection of photos. I walked up and wrapped my arms around his torso, giving him a back hug. He turned around and hugged me tight. We were hugging for a while before he spoke up.
"After we're married, would you start a family?" He asked out of the blue. It was ironic, really.
"Yeah..." I mumbled. Little does him know, I may be carrying our first one right now.
"Our babies are going to be adorable." Again, your probably hugging your baby right now too.
"Uh huh." I said. He looked down at me with a worried face.
"I wonder what you're going to look like, with a big stomach and mom jeans." I slapped his arm and frowned.
"You ok?" I scrunched up my face and shook my head.
"I don't think I want to marry you.." I mumbled looking at my feet. I looked up at him, and his smile dropped right to the floor, replaced by a look of hurt.
"Oh my god Calum! I'm kidding!" I hit is shoulder, as a smile creeped it's way back into his face.
"But we do have to start planning. I already have my flower girl, maid of honor, and bridesmaids already. So you have some catching up to do." He smiled and nodded.
"Will do future Mrs. Hood." I laughed mad slapped his shoulder. I grabbed my MacBook and sat on the bed, patting the space next to me.
"Ok, so first things first. Invitations."

Seven hours later, we were walking to Calum's car as Emma clung to my arm.
"What kind of flowers am I throwing?" She asked for the a millionth time.
"Any kind you want Emma." Her face lit up as her mind went to wonder.
"Can I wear your ring?" She asked, grabbing my hand and admiring it.
"No, but on my wedding day you can." She nodded and smiled. The car was now packed and we had to leave.
"Emma I have to go now." I said, letting her down on the ground.
"No!!!" She yelled, grabbing onto my leg.
"Emma. Off." Emily said sternly, causing Emma to let go.
"I'll see you at the wedding!" She said, before running into the house. Emily laughed and gave me a hug, along with Jackson.
"We'll see you guys July 10th then?" I asked. They nodded and I smiled before getting into the car. We had planned our wedding to be at the farm, and the reception area is going to be in the barn. When it came to my part, Emily is the flower girl, and Kayla is my maid of honor even though I didn't ask her yet. She'll definitely say yes since she loves dressing up and planning. On the other hand, Emma is overjoyed to be the flower girl. So far, no one out of Melbourne knows we are getting married yet.. But they're going to find out soon. Everything was planned out and now we just had to hand out and Mail invitations and set up the actual wedding. As we made our way back to the house, my mind was racing. From the baby to the wedding, everything was moving too fast.

Me and Calum opened the package that was at our door step excitedly. We had ordered our invitations and were anxious to see them. We we pulled the first one out, I laughed a little. But Emily's words kept repeating through my mind; you're pregnant. I sighed and look at the invitations again. Me and Calum said the heading at the same time in sync. And what we said was a wake up call that was completely true;
"Shit just got real."

AUTHORS NOTE; Of yes it diddddddd!!! Sorry for the short chapter! But the next one is definitely going to be longer with allot of wedding jitters!!!!!!! I hope you liked this chapter!!!

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