30. Shopping

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~~~~Three Months Later~~~~
"So your sure it's not an alien?" Michael asked wide eyed, as he felt the baby kick.
"No Michael. Unless it is really good at acting" I laughed, smiling at him. I'm now 6 months in and my stomach is pretty big. Me, Calum, Kayla, and Michael are now sitting in the living room where the baby first kicked moments ago. It's almost been five minutes and she haven't stopped.
"See she's punk rock like her daddy. Rocking out at her little show in there." Calum said, putting a hand on my stomach.
"I guess so." I smiled even more.
"Did you guys decide on a name?" Kayla asked, flipping through baby clothes catalogs.
"We have but we're not telling until she actually gets here." Everyone made a pouty face at me including Calum.
"Pleaseeee" Michael whined, pouting his lips out.
"Nope." I said, popping the p. "Well would you guys like to go baby shopping?" I asked, causing Kayla's eyes to light up the second the word shopping left my mouth.
"Yeah!" Everyone agreed. I smiled and got up.
"Don't just sit there! Leggooooo" I pointed to the door as everyone laughed.

"Ok, so you guys go get toys and stuff while me and Kayla get clothes." I said as we walked into the crowded mall.
"Ok, got it. Love you, bye!" Calum said as he ran to Baby's R Us. I laughed and waved.
"He gets so excited about these things." I said, turning to Kayla.
"I see." I smiled as we made our way to Children's Place.

We ended up spending $168.52 at one store alone. I think it was worth it though. We bough clothes for every season for her first year. Now we are at Starbucks sipping on Frappacinos.
"I still remember your wedding like it was yesterday... And you falling."
"Stoppppp! I don't wanna talk about it." I smiled and threw my cake pop at her.
"It was all going well and then right in the middle of your first dance, you guys just had to trip over each other." She bursted into laughter as I glared at her.
"But I guess that's why you're together. Both dis functional and clumsy." I nodded and rolled my eyes.
"I haven't fell since that, thank you very much."  I defended, crossing my arms across my chest.
"Ok, ok. Sorry. Let's go find the boys." I nodded and got up. As we started to walk I got a creepy feeling that we were being followed.
"Is it me or does it feel like someone is following us?" Kayla asked.
"Yeah..." I turned around and no one was there.
"We're paranoid." Kayla laughed. I nervously laughed along with her as we kept walking. As we approached the store, something caught my eye. From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of brain hair. I snapped my head to the direction. Again, there was nothing. I turned back and sped up my pace. Before we could enter the store, I was suddenly pulled back by the waist. I was about to scream until I realized that it was Calum. I turned to him and hit his chest.
"Don't do that to me!" I shook my head as him and Michael bursted into laughter. He then crouched down and pulled out a stuffs guitar.
"Hey baby girl. The is what I'm going to teach you to play when you get older so get used to it now.. Yep. I play the bass in a band called five seconds of summer. Yep, I'll teach you it too. I love you." He kissed my stomach and then got up. I smirked at him as Kayla and Michael laughed.
"What? I can't have a conversation with my unborn daughter?" He looked confused as if it was completely normal.
"I love you." I laughed, kissing his cheek. He smiled and with that, we made our way back to the car.

I was leaning against Calum as I watched Kayla and him play an intense game of FIFA. Michael was betting on him while I was betting on Kayla. We were yelling and shouting as we cheered them on. Suddenly my phone vibrated three times and I yelled for them to pause it. I pulled it out and saw it was a number that wasn't a contact. I furrowed my eye brows and opened it. I read the text and nearly dropped my phone. Calum came over and read the text, as I stood frozen in place. It was a picture of him kissing my stomach in the mall and a the ultrasound picture of the baby. And the text read;
I'm coming for you... And the baby.

AUTHORS NOTE: DUN DUN DAHHHHHHH oh me gerddddddd! Cliffhanger! I'm sooooo sooooo sooooo sorry for the short chapters recently. I've been pretty busy lately but I still want to update. I promise that the next chapter will be longer! And trust me, there will be DRAMA! And stuff is about to go downnnnn. Thank you guys for reading! Love you guys! Byeeeeee!

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